12 Step Workbooks | worksheets

Here'a a nice site with some free downloads--check it out.

12 Step Workbooks | worksheets: "12 Step Workbook
These are some great free workbooks that have been put together by Jim W. at 12stepworkbook.org.
Part One Al’s 40 Day Serendipity Journey -- Al Kohallek begins his most ambitious undertaking Part One covers the first Nine Steps using the First 164 pages of the Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous) and the Steps form the book 12 Steps and 12 Traditions."

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5 Signs That Your Parents Are Drug Addicts

You might think that once the kids are fine, the whole family is. Actually, once the kids get clean and sober, they often begin to recognize addiction in other family members, and aren't shy about telling you so! If you have any drug addiction tendencies, including drinking too much, be prepared to have your kids say something. and don't you want them to? A healthy family means having everyone healthy, not just the young people. read this interesting article.

5 Signs That Your Parents Are Drug Addicts: "So you thought it was just your teenagers that you had to keep away from drugs? According to addiction experts, you might need to deliver the Nancy Reagan "just say no" speech to your aging parents as well.
Abuse of mind-altering prescription drugs by Americans 50 and older is projected to triple by 2020 to 2.7 million, according to a 2005 study in the Annals of Epidemiology, with people over 65 taking more than six unique prescriptions a year on average."

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Last minute gift for those in recovery

Last minute gift for your sponsor or sponsee? Or for you son or daughter in recovery?  Here are two suggestions, one that cost a few bucks and the other for free--you can email either gift or both.

1. FREE. Vision recovery meditations: (a Hopi tradition) Go here, pick the format you want, type in the code "Sobriety"  (capital S, no quotes) and a box will open for your name and email. Then it will take you to the free download page.

 2. $4.99 A digital copy of the Pocket Sponsor. Unfortunately it is only on the Kindle format, but the kindle reader for your computer is free.

Merry Christmas everyone, am thinking of all my friends this Christmas Eve.

Drinking/drugging NBC dateline. Must read

NBC dateline did a special on drinking and driving last night. It was very good and asked us, would you stop a drunk from driving. It was really good.

Then a friend from bayakinfoline sent me this reminder--but it has a twist ending. This is an intimate message, for all those still drinking whether or not alcoholically--Must read:

Shelly, merry Christmas to you and the family.
I want to share an experience with you--although not alcoholic, I thought you might be able to share with others who would benefit about drinking and driving. As you well know, some of us have been known to have brushes with the authorities on our way home from an occasional social session over the years. sometimes they lay in wait by the bars to "catch" us. well the other night I was out with some friends and had a couple beers and some red wine with dinner. 
Knowing full well I may have been slightly if not well, over the limit, I did something I have never done before. I took a cab home. Sure enough, I passed a check point by the police--but because I was in a cab, they waved it through. I was so happy not to have been caught drunk driving. I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise because I have never driven a cab before and am not sure where I got it or what to do with it in my garage. So be care this season and Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Holiday spices often abused for cheap highs, says toxicologist

Holiday spices often abused for cheap highs, says toxicologist: "Holiday Spices Often Abused for Cheap Highs, Says Toxicologist
Dec. 17, 2012 — Watch your kitchen cupboards this season as thrillseekers look to common holiday baking ingredients for a rise -- cinnamon, nutmeg and even marshmallows are the primary ingredient in trendy risky behavior. "The envelope is always being pushed to create something new that will get attention, potentially create a drug-like effect and can pass under the radar of law enforcers," "

As a kid, I tried banana peels and nutmeg. It was a hippie thing. However, I did see a picture of the lungs of a nutmeg smoker--YUCK--really scared me and I stopped. The "high" wasn't very good anyway and the nutmeg stank.  Never the less, watch your kids with this--especially 5th through jr high--they are looking for adventure and who knows what tehy hear on the streets--just a friendly reminder to remain vigilant.

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Alcoholism and Raising Children -

Here's a great discussion over at Sober recovery--raising the little rascals around the program. I raised my daughter going to meetings because as she was growing up, I was growing up in the program.  She's often mentioned that she didn't have the best upbringing--and I can admit that--I was crazy my first 20 years of recovery--<grin,> but true. In any case, she is very lucky that I was in recovery, as lacking as that was for her childhood. If I had raised her drunk and stoned, she wouldn't be raised at all.

For those of you raising kids in your own recovery, use this as a resource.  And enjoy the holidays--don't let the disease of alcoholism steal one more moment of your family happiness.

Alcoholism and Raising Children - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information: "Some of the coolest kids I've ever met were raised in and around the Program.
I met an old Hopi woman one time who was talking to me about children. It was in something she said that changed me as a parent. During WWII, she fostered a girl who still lived with them in the late eighties when I was there. She said the parents were drunks and didn't take care of their children, so some elder women from the clan came in and took some of them into their own homes. She said she went to the Elder women and chose a particular girl she'd dreamed about. She told them, "I will take this girl and raise her for The People."
Something about the way she said that hit me like a wet dishrag."

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Tips for living safely on the edge during holidays | for young people

Often, alcoholics and addicts use the holidays for relapse. But hey, us addicts use any excuse to drink and drug! They used to say in the groups, "I drank because it was a holiday, or a rainy day, or a work day or Saturday  Sunday, Monday....

Yeah, we drank and used because we are addicts! that's the long and the short of it. So read this article from Dove Tree Ranch...A few good tips for the that young person in recovery.

Tips from The Ranch at Dove Tree for living safely on the edge during holidays | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: "The holidays don’t have to be predictable. In a sincere attempt to lighten up, Jack Britton suggests ways to spice up December:
Often the holidays offer face time with relatives who grew up in a different era. Dive below the surface and actually get to know Grandma. Who was her first crush? (Fidel Castro!) What did she get away with as a kid? (Armed robbery!)"

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Pocket Sponsor: "Holiday Special. Get your Pocket Sponsor in a pocket!

Every year we do something really special for Christmas. I am excited about this years special because it is sooo cute. It's our classic Pocket Sponsor sent as a gift and it comes in a jean pocket! As a gift it also comes with miniature ornament and gift tag saying it is from YOU! Look into it if you have people in recovery on your list--
Pocket Sponsor: "Holiday Special. Get your Pocket Sponsor in a pocket!
Order the Pocket Sponsor this holiday season and get it sent in a jean pocket ! The cost is the same, the pocket is FREE!  Hurry and order your Sponsors in a Pocket today. Offer expires Dec 25th.  (We can send as a gift and include a small ornament with a greeting saying the Pocket Sponsor is from you. All FREE)"
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A Gift for you from Day By Day!

A Gift for you from Day By Day!

For one week only, we are giving away the digital format of our newest book, "Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery". Read about it below--. With over 280 illustrations, it is a great way to begin the holidays.

Delivery Format:in PDF, epub for Nook, iPad, and most ereaders and also Kindle format. Go to the following link and use the code "sobriety" and download for FREE--DOWNLOAD NOW. Offer expires December 4.

https://www.ebookit.com/books/0000002026/Sitting-in-Pictures-Vision-Meditations-for-Addiction-Recovery.html     and visit us at SittinginPictures.org

Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery

Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery: "Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery

by Peoples of the Earth Peoples of the Earth Peoples of the Earth
Illustrated by Christine Sundly

Description: This is a a deeply spiritual addiction recovery meditation book based on the Hopi tradition of 'sitting in pictures.' It contains 280 visual mediations as well as a 12 Step Principle and the wisdom of an Elder or tribal adage from people's around the world. Based on the Maya Tzolkin spiritual round, the days do not reflect the western Gregorian calendar. Instead the season are used for reference: Summer Solstice, Harvest Time, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox. Letting the Spirit guide them, readers may use the meditations randomly or begin at the first mediation and go 280 days, then begin again. We trust that every reader will bring their own guidance when creating the healing visualization in each page of days. This meditation book is illustrated by Christine Sundly of the Menominee Nation (Menominee means 'wild rice' in Chippawa). For more information please go to the website SittinginPictures.org

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Sober Coaching Your Toxic Teen, A Workbook For Dealing With Teens In A Drug Crisis

The Sober Coaching workbook book for Parents has been updated and is available in iPad, Nook, and most e-book formats, a PDF for your computer, or the Kindle format. Its still just $9.95 and comes with a free download for all the handouts and worksheets--so you can print them from your computer and use at home.

Sober Coaching Your Toxic Teen, A Workbook For Dealing With Teens In A Drug Crisis: " How many times a day does this following scenario play out in families across America? A mother or father finds evidence that their child is using drugs. They're in shock"

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Or you can order the hard copy from Amazon or DirectSales

Getting your Students in Recovery in college

There are a number of choices for getting your recovering child into college. (or even High school . Texas Tec, a long time champion of kids in recovery),  has just been awarded a grant to help teach other colleges how to tap into recovery.

It was Job Core that put me through college once I sobered up at age 21. I had a baby, was new in recovery and was running a halfway house for drug addicted hippies! But we find that once addicts are clean and sober, there isn't much they can't do. Think about, if we can live through addiction, we got to be pretty resilient! Read here about what Teas tec is doing:

Texas Tech Is Nation's Best College for Students in Recovery | The Fix: "Texas Tech's innovative program for addicted students is so successful that it's been granted $700,000 of federal funding to teach other schools to do the same. College students are the fastest-growing sector seeking substance abuse in America today, which has led colleges around the country to establish “recovery communities.” These feature on-campus sober clubhouses, sober recreational activities and recovery courses, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday. "

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FREE parenting book on ,Amazon--2 days only

I know the author , Annie fox, and I highly recommend her work with kids. she is good with all kinds of skills the kids need to grow up and she knows what to tell parents. HURRY and take advantage of this amazing offer!

Teaching Kids to Be Good People: Progressive Parenting for the 21st Century: Annie Fox,Douglas Fehlen: Amazon.com: Kindle Store: "ANNIE FOX is an internationally respected character educator and the author of five books for teens about growing up and getting along. Her books include “The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating,” “Too Stressed to Think?” (with Ruth Kirschner), and the popular Middle School Confidential™ book and app series. Since 1997, when she launched groundbreaking teen website The InSite, Annie has been answering teen and parenting questions from around the world. Because of her unique insight into adult-t(w)een relationships, she is a sought-after speaker who takes equal delight connecting with students, educators, and parents. Annie Fox may be reached through her website, AnnieFox.com

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One parent warns others of synthetic drugs

More about bath salts. here is a parent warning YOU abouat the dangers--take note, go read the article and let us know what you think!

One parent warns others of synthetic drugs - KFVS12 News & Weather Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Poplar Bluff: "When you hear someone is using synthetic drugs, like bath salts, what kind of person do you picture? One dad said it could be your child.
"Where to start," said John Payne.
It's not something people like to talk about, which is exactly why Payne wants to chat.
"If people don't know about it, then nothing's going to change," said Payne.
He can attest to the synthetic drug problem in the area first hand.
"My son was a user," said Payne.
Payne said his son was an angel of a child until he started doing drugs. He said the synthetic drugs like bath salts are enticing because they're cheap and easy to get."

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InDepth: Abuse of elders: The most vulnerable victims | INFORUM | Fargo, ND

any kind of abuse is sickening--at Respect-me rules, we believe that you can only be abused to the degree that you allows others to treat you badly--they can't abuse you if you put a stop to it--however, that does not go for those dependent onus--such as children and the elderly--they can't so easily stop it...if you know of it, please do something to put a stop to it--start by reading this:

InDepth: Abuse of elders: The most vulnerable victims | INFORUM | Fargo, ND: "Yet, the elderly often are unwilling or unable to admit such abuse.

They’re embarrassed or fear losing their caregiver. They’re from a generation that doesn’t recognize that domestic abuse could happen to them. They think it happens only to young women, says Shelly Carlson, coordinator of Clay County’s Elder Abuse Project."

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The Drug That Never Lets Go

Speaking of "bullet proof"--here are some more dangerous drugs out on the streets today--bath salts--(that's just a nic name, you don't have to hide the Epson.) This is a bizarre new drug--while you are reading the one abut kidney failure, also read this article to your kids...at least if they know there is danger--some of them may be less likely to glorify taking unknown substances...  so read both the articles to your teens at the next family meeting or get together.

The Drug That Never Lets Go: "The suicide was the culmination of five days of strange behavior that began shortly after Sanders snorted a powdery substance he bought from a friend. Instead of the brief high he was seeking, he experienced days of insomnia, along with waves of terror and frightening delusions, including an incident where he “saw” 25 police cars outside his parents' kitchen window and then slit his own throat with a butcher knife. That incident landed Sanders in the hospital with stitches. For a few hours, the hallucinations subsided."

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Teens in Northwest Develop Kidney Failure From Synthetic Marijuana | The Partnership at Drugfree.org

You know, kids think they are bullet proof and it will never happen to them. Now here are 5 young men (teens) who have kidney failure from doing drugs--they not even be addicted--maybe they only did it "this once".  In any case, it is sad--if you have teens, please have them read this at your next family meeting:
Teens in Northwest Develop Kidney Failure From Synthetic Marijuana | The Partnership at Drugfree.org: "Six young men—five of them teenagers—developed kidney failure after using synthetic marijuana in recent months, health officials in Oregon and Washington report.
The cases have occurred since May. All of the young men were hospitalized, "

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A parenting secret I am no longer willing to keep at Home/Work

Sometimes as a parent we don't want to admit that we have a drug problem with our child. Does that mean we were not good parents? Did our neglect cause their drug addiction? Is it because we used ourselves? I happen to think that some very sick kids come from some very healthy families--also the other way around. But if we truly believe that alcoholism and addiction is a disease--then it doesn't have a whole lot to do with the family of origin, unless you're talking genetics. Read about this mom below and see how she finally stopped "keeping the secret." for heavens sake just admit there is an elephant in the living room and get the help the family needs.

A parenting secret I am no longer willing to keep at Home/Work: "my eldest child was brought to the intensive care unit three days ago, that the nurses and doctors might treat him differently, maybe even give him substandard care once they knew why he was there. That’s because he was admitted not after a car accident in which he was blameless. Not due to some mysterious, unknown fever. No, he was rushed to the hospital, nearly lifeless, after a massive drug overdose and a brutal physical assault related to his involvement with drugs. But I was wrong to worry about this;"

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Teens in Early Recovery: Ten Common Triggers for Relapse | CRC Health Group

Triggers are a thing, you as a parent can look out for. What will trigger your child to "slip" and start using drugs? You can read about it here--some common points professionals teach parents. Then read below..
Teens in Early Recovery: Ten Common Triggers for Relapse | CRC Health Group: "Studies suggest that between 50 percent and 90 percent of addicts relapse at least once in the first four years of sobriety, and most relapse many times. Triggers for relapse can be as mundane as hearing a certain song on the radio or as significant as hanging out with friends from the old drug crowd.
Although relapse is considered normal and predictable, knowing the common triggers for relapse and having an action plan can help teens and their families guard against any slip-ups. Here are a few common relapse triggers to watch out for:"
OK, you read about the triggers. So what do you do? Do you become responsible to help prevent it? do you call their sponsor? Their counselor? Do you make them sign a contract? Or put them back in treatment? You son or daughter is showing signs of relapsing and you panic.

I want you to think about the word "responsible." who is responsible should your child drink and drug again? If you see it coming, is it you? What does "response" "able" mean?

It means that the only one who can do anything about this "slip" is the one able to respond.

That is not you. Think about it.

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comic freedom for recovery

A freind f mine asked me to look at/review this draft documentary. i think it is a unique approach to an old problem--One comic has 26 years clean...  I like this!  ALERT--ITS A PRISON--LOTS OF ROUGH LANGUAGE!
comic freedom mod.mp4 update - YouTube: "We had this comedy writing class with 7 guys in their addiction counseling group. Rich Vos performed to 100 inmates and staff with two writing group members opened the show. The healing power of humor in aiding recovery from addictions and other mental health issues is the program's driving force. Dave Miller and Perry Gaidurgis met a few weeks before these events and with the help of a few people this is our work in progress to date. More dates of comedy writing workshops and a show at the Eastern Correctional Institute are schedule in September."

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Teens still trade sex for drugs, booze

Teens still trade sex for drugs, booze: "Teenagers are trading sex for drugs and alcohol at a low but steady rate, yet the vast majority of them attend school and live at home with their parents, a new University of B.C. study suggests."

Its lead author says research indicates the problem has been occurring "in the shadows," but that a positive message has also emerged from the findings.

"Family makes a big difference," said co-author and UBC Prof. Elizabeth Saewyc. "When parents talk with kids about their values and goals and when they model healthy romantic relationships, this does influence their own kids' sexual decision-making."

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Teens+still+trade+drugs+booze/7028566/story.html#ixzz23Bovx5DS

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The Ranch at Dove Tree

I know these people and this is one of the few treatment centers for young people that I endorse.  One of the great things at Dove Tree is their emphasis on education and their direct help to get young people into college. If you have a young person in need of treatment or after care, I encourage you to check this out.

The Ranch at Dove Tree: "Collegiate Program
We understand the devastating effects of addiction on young people and their families.  We also understand the resiliency of young adults and believe in their ability to get their lives back on track.  The Ranch at Dove Tree is committed to helping our clients achieve lifelong recovery while re-establishing their hopes and dreams that got lost to the disease of addiction.

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Random student drug tests work, Churchie says

Interesting report on radom drug testing:
Random student drug tests work, Churchie says: "''So we have had a policy in the school for a number of years that we can put a student on random drug testing at any time that we see fit in consultation with the family.
''If we have concerns about a boy we will consult with the family and agree to go on a random drug testing program.''
Mr Hensman said the school took a ''zero tolerance'' approach to drugs and if a student tested positive they were immediately expelled.
Students who enrolled in Churchie and had been expelled from another school for drug use were put on a contract which could include random drug tests.

''If we hear through the grapevine a student is involved in drugs and we have no proof of that, we will enter into a relationship with the family of what's in the best interests of the student and one of the outcomes could be random drug testing,'' he said."

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How I Carried Out an Intervention

If you are considering an intervention, please be sure to use the check list in "Sober Coaching You toxic Teen" Workbook. It has everything you need! Then go to this site and read about what others did. Once that is done, come back and add your story and advice to otehrs. A great site!

How I Carried Out an Intervention: "When someone who has a serious problem with alcohol or drugs denies that they have a problem or denies that their behavior is effecting anyone else, sometimes confronting the person in a process known as an intervention will break through the denial. But that's not always the case. Sometimes the intervention can backfire, making the situation worse."

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Alcohol-Free Drinks - Recipes for Alcohol-Free Drinks and Punches

Lots of recipes for summer fun!

Alcohol-Free Drinks - Recipes for Alcohol-Free Drinks and Punches:

"Ginger Ale Mix
For large groups I combine ginger ale, pomegranite juice, pineapple, orange and cranberry. I sometimes add cherry juice also, garnish with star fruit, berries, lemons, limes or oranges. This has been a fool proof popular drink at our cookouts and parties for over 20 yrs
—Guest knot2oldyet
"Ginless Tonic"
I loved Gin & Tonics, especially in the hot summer. Now, I just squeeze one or two big wedges of fresh lime over ice in a glass, fill with tonic water. I swear, you won't miss the gin! i drink this every night. They've been a life-saver. very satisfying."

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The 10 Best Sober Living Cities | The Fix

The 10 Best Sober Living Cities | The Fix: ""Pulling a geographic" in early sobriety is generally discouraged, but if you're looking to leave behind people, places and things, The Fix recommends lighting out for these American cities–each with its own unique recovery community."

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New Study: Spanked Kids = Messed-Up Grownups

My brother is a big proponent of this, having written the book, "Stop Spanking Now." How do they figure that? 3 to 7% of mental disorders are "caused" by spanking? I don't even know what that means. they say we create addiction in our kids by spanking. I was spanked but I KNOW that did not cause addiction in me. It's a brain chemistry disorder--maybe it made me want to do drugs--but didn't cause the disease any more than spanking causes diabetes--but maybe it makes them want to eat comfort food. Geeze I hate this kind of study.

take alook for yourself
New Study: Spanked Kids = Messed-Up Grownups: "Canadian researchers using data from nearly 35,000 American adults found that from 2 percent to 7 percent of mental disorders were attributable to physical punishment. To many experts, including Cyndi Scott, executive director of the Coalition Against Child Abuse and Neglect, the findings reinforce what they already know about spanking.
"It's not going to be beneficial to the child, or to the parent, for them to use any kind of physical force. So, we would not recommend people hitting children.""

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More Recovery Slogans

This is from Dual Recovery Anonymous--

More Recovery Slogans: "Recovery slogans are deeply rooted in the real life experience of millions of recovering people. Although often overused and sometimes not appreciated, they do not lose their truth."
My fav in their list, "Is your program powered by Will Power or Higher Power?" And i don't even think this made it into the second edition of Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book. What is your favorite?

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Support and Resources for Parents Dealing with Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse | Spanish

 "Habla Con Tus Hijos

Support and Resources for Parents Dealing with Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse | The Partnership:
Our Spanish-language web resource and educational campaign helps parents have frequent conversations with their kids about the risks of drug and alcohol use."

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Police officials tell parents to be parents |

I love police officers! My dad was LAPD--I became a deputy in Bonner county Idaho for a few years when my girl was little. Officers often tellit like it is. Here is one, Dan Serrano, with advice I like to give parents.
Police officials tell parents to be parents | Observer and Eccentric Newspapers and Hometown Weeklies | hometownlife.com: "Whether the concern is substance abuse, curfew violations or online safety, Westland police Sgt. Dan Serrano summed up his advice to parents: “I tell my kids, ‘I'm not your friend. I'll treat you like I'm your father. I'll look at your phone when I want to.'
“You have to be the parent,” said Serrano. 
Joined by Lt. Michael Harhold and Officer Matt Bobby, Serrano spoke Monday at the Police-Teen Matters program hosted by Westland Youth Assistance at the Dorsey Center. The overall message focused on the importance of parental involvement and keeping track of their children's activities."

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In the late sixties when I was getting clean and sober--no such luck at "Rockers in Recovery" concerts for us! You young'ns in recovery today have it sooo easy! (yeah and now do you want to hear how I had to walk 3 miles in the snow to school?) Seriously, if you are anywhere near Florida--you got to get to this concert!

ROCKERS IN RECOVERY MUSIC FESTIVAL | RIR Concerts: "It’s a Recovery Palooza , minus the drugs and alcohol, but add meetings and fellowship! RIR Music Fest is a campout for ALL people in recovery or supporters of recovery.
Early Bird Ticket Sales"

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Teens' prescription drug use on the rise » Anderson Independent Mail

We did this in the 60s...the bowl full of pills..very dangerous. Here's a good article about  “pharm” parties on the rise...
Guest column: Teens' prescription drug use on the rise » Anderson Independent Mail: "To celebrate his 16th birthday, Jason is having a “pharm” party. Rather than a present, friends bring prescription drugs from the medicine cabinets at their homes. The drugs are poured into a bowl. The bowl, “trail mix,” is passed and partygoers grab a handful of pills — a mixture of anything. The results could be lethal.
Katie overheard her parents talking about how her brother’s ADHD medication made "

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Parent of an Addict: What’s it Really Like?

What's it like to parent an addict? This is a great section of drugfree.org.
Parent of an Addict: What’s it Really Like? | INTERVENE: A Community for Parents: "So what’s it really like raising a child with a drug problem?
It starts with letting go of the idea of having a “normal” life. Truthfully, it’s a far cry from the storybook life we all fantasized about once upon a time. Being a parent of an addict is about being more than you ever dreamed you could be. And most days it feels like you’re at war.
You quickly learn survival skills.  Not just physical survival. Yes, those are necessary at times, but also emotional survival skills."
 Dealing with a drug crisis is never easy and few sites and books tell parents the real truth. that's why its important to get material you trust. Be sure to check out parental book for dealing with a drug crisis and all the free material on our site Sober Coaching Your Teen.

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SADD Mission & Policy

I was a little sad when I went to this program site--having liked the kids I met who were in SADD many years ago. I felt this site should have LOTS and LOTS of info for parents, schools, and kids. It is sadly lacking  (sorry, just realized I made a pun). In any case, they have a little info, lots of tags asking for your support and a book to start a chapter for over $60. Does anyone know know what's going on with sad right now? Am I not getting the whole picture or what?
SADD Mission & Policy: "Originally, the mission of the SADD chapter was to help young people say "No" to drinking and driving. Today, the mission has expanded. Students have told us that positive peer pressure, role modeling and environmental strategies can prevent other destructive decisions and set a healthier, safer course for their lives. And that is why SADD has become a peer-to-peer education, prevention, and activism organization dedicated to preventing destructive decisions, particularly underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, teen violence, and teen suicide."

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About This Site

  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...