Director of the Parent’s Translational Research Center; Senior Scientist, enabling and using the term may do more harm than good. Well, yes, we at Sober coaching have been saying that for a long time. You do not want to make it easier for your kid to use, but you don't want to abandon them either. So where do you turn? To "experts" who tell you how sick you are?
Hardly. Let's get constructive and become our child's sober coach. There are many ways you can help, in fact ways probably only you, the parent, nose around the sober coaching site for more information. Remember, FREE downloads and a peek at the workbook are available.
Here is an excerpt of what Dr. Kirby had to say:
Commentary: Why the Term “Enabling” Does More Harm Than Good | The Partnership at "The term “enabling” is commonplace in the field of addiction. It is used within support group settings, in treatment programs and throughout the professional literature about addiction and the family. I consider it one of the most frequently misunderstood terms in our field. In fact, as my research about family caregivers of people with substance use disorders has evolved, I have come to loathe the term “enabling.” Here is why"
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