Highway Patrol, ODOT: Talk to your kids about drugged driving for Holidays

We hear about Drunk driving all the time and often forget about drugged driving. Same thing actually.

When you talk to your teens this season about drunk driving, don't leave out the "drugged driving" part, either. Your kids are smart--smart enough to say, "I didn't have any drinks" justifying their crash when in fact they had taken 3 downers and smoked  a joint! Just cover your basis in parent/teen drunk/drugged driving talk this year.
Story here: Highway Patrol, ODOT: Talk to your kids about drugged driving: "The signs will show messages outlining the increase in drug related crashes and urging them to talk about the drug abuse epidemic. This is part of the state’s Start Talking Initiative, the release said."

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Drinking homemade brew in school sends four students to hospital

I was thinking that "homemade brew" was fermenting potatoes! This is made from OTCs! Never too old to learn about the ingenuity of kids and mind-affecting chemicals. Better read this article to stay informed.

Drinking homemade brew in school sends four students to hospital - The Buffalo News: "The school sent home a letter to parents on Wednesday warning them that the homemade mixture is referred to as "Lean" and that the instructions on how to make it can be found on numerous Internet sites. "Please make your children aware that the misuse of any drug, prescription or over-the-counter, is potentially dangerous and/or deadly, and that they should never drink from an opened bottle that is not their own," the letter read. "Please also make sure that medications in your home are secured from possible misuse.""

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More parents are taking drugs while children watch, and the viral videos are 'shaming' addicts

OMG-- a horrible image of parents-grandparents in addiction and what it does to our children. The only message here is "WHY?" Such an aggressive disease in many families. Each small thing that each of us does helps break the cycle. Keep up the good work is my message for each and every one of you reading this blog!

More parents are taking drugs while children watch, and the viral videos are 'shaming' addicts | The Independent: "While the adults were charged with child endangerment and are awaiting trial, the photo of their possible overdose has gone viral, prompting strong criticism and shaming of their ability to look after a child."

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Teens and substance abuse: Insights from the treatment field

This sounds like a good program--one thing I want to know is if they teach teh parents to become their kid's coach? That would be the ultimate center for teens---

Teens and substance abuse: Insights from the treatment field | The Daniel Island News: "The ASSET program, run by Viktoriya Magid, PhD, targets kids ages 12 to 18 and offers two ongoing care tracks - one for prevention and another for treatment - as well as assessments, drug screenings, medication management, teen coaching, and parent coaching. "

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LIVE FACEBOOK CHAT on Rx Stimulant Abuse Among Students

LIVE FACEBOOK CHAT on Rx Stimulant Abuse Among Students - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids:

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Understanding the Plight of Zokos Children

I sometimes lament what happens here with our drug addicted parents--and then I read something like this--the Plight of Zokos Children...thank you God for our blessings...

FrontPageAfrica Newspaper - Understanding the Plight of Zokos Children: "Many are ex-combatants or former child soldiers who are living with the recurring ill effects of the civil war and the policy neglect that came thereafter."

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Officials gather to seek cure for area's drug crisis | Local News | tribdem.com

Great article--says you can't "jail" your way out of opioid addiction, you can't "treat" your way out of the epidemic, but you can use "life skills" to get yourself out of the problem--hmmm, maybe..does joining a 12 Step program qualify for changing your life skills.

Opiod epidemic: Officials gather to seek cure for area's drug crisis | Local News | tribdem.com: "“We can’t jail ourselves out of this problem,” said Langerholc, who is also the lead prosecutor for the Cambria County Drug Task Force. “We can’t treat our way out of this problem.” A July 12 report from the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Philadelphia division showed a 23 percent increase in overdose deaths in 2015. Cambria County saw a 32 percent increase.  Yaw said 85 percent of heroin users start by abusing pain medication. The epidemic affects people of all age groups, social classes and races, he added, so a multifaceted approach is required to address the issue."

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Substance abuse is factor in up to 80% of cases where a child is removed from a home.

California is working hard to help kids stay out of foster care--how? By helping their drug addicted parents. I love it. This is a good use of taxpayer dollars rather than jailing parents and fostering out kids. This is a program that if run right can make a huge difference in the lives of drug addicts and their children. In the long run, it will also save the taxpayer money. Read the article below.

California Court Helps Kids By Healing Parents' Addictions : Shots - Health News : NPR: " "Graduation from this court is considered a critical factor in determination that the children of participants will be safe from any further exposure to the danger and destructive impact of parental substance abuse." There has been a surge recently, across the U.S., in the number of children entering the foster care system after years of decline. Nationally, roughly 265,000 kids entered foster care in 2015 — the highest number since 2008, according to a recent government report."

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Sober Coaching Your Teen

Yahoo! We launched the updated website for parents of teens in trouble with drugs. It's user-friendly,  has free downloads, gives parents basic info and of course talks about our parental workbook. Please pass on info to any parents you know who might benefit! Thanks (oh and tell me if you like the site--I am pretty proud of my newly-learned website revamping skills!)
Sober Coaching Your Teen: "How will our workbook help you deal with your teen? Of course we want our children to stop drinking and abusing drugs. The Sober Coaching You Teen workbook will jump-start the process with research-based interventions using the Teaching-Family Model principles of developing empathy, boundaries, taking responsibility, and recognizing thinking errors. "

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Are parents the cause of addiction?

Parents are not the cause of addiction. No matter how much influence parents believe they have over a child, the reality is, parents will only influence approximately 25% of what a child will do. Nevertheless, as I work in the field of adolescent substance abuse, I find many parents believing they are the source of their child’s addiction. Maybe this is because; society expects parents to have control over their child. For example, when a child is running wild in the grocery store, don’t we all whisper to ourselves “They need to get control of their child?” So when a teenager is drinking or doing drugs, of course the blame will fall back on the parents.
However, when it comes to addiction, I can tell you from a professional background and a personal background that parents do not create or reinforce addiction. I was brought up in a warm loving family, where my parents helped when needed but also let life teach when needed.
But at the age of fourteen I drank and smoked weed for the first time and the rest is history. I continued to use substances up until the age of 22. I eventually experienced so many natural negative consequences, I decided to change.

During my recovery, I discovered the source of my addiction was a multitude of factors, such has low self-esteem, social anxiety, and a personality trait that craves adventure. Nowhere, did I find my parents as a part of my addiction. Unless a parent is forcing a child to drink or do drugs, it is simply irrational to believe a parent has enough control to be responsible for a child’s addiction. If a parent was responsible for their child’s addiction then a parent would also be able to stop their child’s addiction.

-Chad Hepler works as an addiction counselor at an adolescent treatment center. He has published two books about his recovery, titled, Intervention: Anything But My Own Skin, and Beyond Intervention: A Memoir of Addiction and Recovery by Hepler, Chad (2012) Paperback.

Effective anti-drug drives focus on roots, not killing addicts |

There are some new studies out (read below video) that say if you teach parenting skills even to addicted mothers and if nurses visit these addicted mothers, their children have a less likely chance of abusing drugs themselves. It would be nice believe that we can teach addicted mothers how to take care of their kids--I haven't really seen that in my work, but maybe I am missing something. Most of the time addicted mothers just seem to get worse--I'd like to meet these counselors who are making this happen. Often, it is not so much the counseling or parenting skills that make the difference but the connection between the the helper and the helpee that really makes a difference. As a society, we keep trying to improve and I have to love us for that even if we get it wrong so many times before we get it right. If frequent contact with addicted mothers does in fact help their kids, good for us who keep trying. but i suspect that actually it is the skills of the ones working with the addicted moms rather than really teaching them much.

Effective anti-drug drives focus on roots, not killing addicts | Inquirer Global Nation: "Studies reported in the Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect (2012) and Pediatrics (2008) reveal that intervention at the family level can have significant impact if it starts as early as during pregnancy and early infancy for those with an addicted mother. Being born to addicted parents puts a child in one of the highest-risk groups for drug use, but longitudinal studies show that visits by trained nurses or social workers tasked with helping the mother deal with practical life issues (health, housing, etc.) and with parenting challenges markedly reduced drug use when the child reached adolescence. Programs that focus on teaching parenting skills not just to addicted parents, but also to the general population also proved to be effective in curbing drug use and related behavior, according to studies published in the Health Education Research (2008) and Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2007)."

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"Pharming parties" remind me of the Sties Pill parties

What goes around comes around. In the sixties we had parties tao beat all parties--we took handfuls of pills, smoked weed, drank, and dropped acid all at the same time. No wonder so many of us jumped out windows and such! No laughing matter, we always had huge bowls filled will all kinds of colored pills. Many ate them like M and Ms. I used to try to pick out the yellows and reds--not sure why. I chased them down with my beer or slow gin. I am not sure why I am still here. Maybe to pass on messages.

Anyway, yes, the kids need to be taught about prescriptions--but they are still going to experiment. Can we stop it? Not really--but we can model good behavior, make sure they know we don't approve and that it is dangerous and hope they make it to adulthood like I did!
"Pharming parties" put teenagers at risk for prescription drug abuse: "According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, prescription and over-the-counter drugs are the most commonly abused substances by Americans age 14 and older, after marijuana and alcohol. Eden said, "Parents need to be aware. They need to not assume oh my child would never do that, because anybody's child could.""

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Does naloxone encourage drug use - Practical Recovery

People send me things-some relevant, some silly, some asking to promote their treatment centers--some grateful people who use Day By Day Books and love them--this morning I received an email about naloxone to help combat overdose. Many believe that making this widely available will contribute to careless drug use because addicts will feel they have a way out--I'm not sure.

Do addicts really plan that far ahead? I know I didn't. I never sat and said to myself, "I think I can use more of this drug because my friends are here who will surely get me to the hospital." I never thought of the consequences, THAT was part of my addiction. Is naloxone a good thing? I am inclined to say yes. Below is a link to an entire guideline about the use of this safety drug.

Naloxone: Everything You Need to Know - Practical Recovery: "Does naloxone encourage drug use? The argument that access to naloxone increases or encourages drug use has yet to be proven. The thought is that naloxone instills a false sense of safety and encourages users to push past “safe” levels of use. Furthermore, some argue that providing an antidote sends the message that drug use is socially acceptable. As one scientific article points out, these arguments have no research to back them up, and to limit access to a life-saving drug based on unfounded theories is just plain unethical. Do you or someone you know need help with an opiate addiction? Detox, followed by inpatient or outpatient treatment can provide a great foundation for recovery."

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Jenelle Evans' custody battle just took a turn we didn't see coming

I feel so sorry for these celebrities in their addiction--they can  run but there is nowhere to hide!!!! I have a real soft spot in my heart for Jenelle because she posted a picture of Day By Day on her FB page and said it was the best way to wake up in the morning for recovery--I hope to God she is not back on heroin. But Jenelle--if you are and go back to recovery, let me send the followup book to Day By Day, the Pocket Sponsor--You'll love it!  And my best to you. Read about her custody struggles here and her husband's accusations.
Jenelle Evans' custody battle just took a turn we didn't see coming: "If you aren't already aware, Evans' past drug use has been a major point of contention for Griffith during the show and their court proceedings, with Griffith accusing Evans of being back on heroin and Evans insisting she was totally clean. The result of that was an agreement that both of them decided to submit to drug tests to finalize their custody arrangements."

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Parents as First Responders in Adolescent Substance Use | Youth Today

What is a First Responder? According to the National First Responders Organization, "A First Responder is any individual who runs toward an event rather than away." and you know what Mom and Dad--when your kid is in trouble, that is YOU. While everyone else is trying to figure out how to rid themselves of this drug addict kid, you are right in the middle of it. This is a great article on Parents as first repsonders with their kids--worth reading.

Parents as First Responders in Adolescent Substance Use | Youth Today: "Studies show that 90 percent of people with substance use disorders began using during their teen years when the brain is still developing, so taking action is important regardless of the level of use. While the most recent survey from Monitoring the Future, an ongoing study of U.S. high school students, shows a decline in teens’ use of alcohol, it still shows that two in every five high-school seniors have consumed alcohol in the past year, with one in every six teens engaged in binge drinking (more than five drinks in a row) once or more often in a two-week period. One in every 17 high school seniors smokes marijuana daily, with a majority of seniors reporting that they see no harm in regular marijuana use."

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'It's beyond pain': how Mormons are left vulnerable in Utah's opiate crisis |

Prescription pain pills are taking a lot of folks out--especially in AA. Yes, we sometimes need pain killers for surgeries, an accident, some unforeseen event--but it should be with the doctor's full knowledge that we are alcoholics and addicts--if you don't tell your doctor in clear terms then you are leaving the way open to continue to get drugs--many many people go out when their doctor prescribes pills. It is epidemic not only in Utah but across the country.

When you work with others in the program a strict rule is this:

Tell your primary caregiver, your secondary caregiver, your dermatologist, your dentist, --every provider that you do not take mind-affecting chemicals BECAUSE you are an alcoholic/addict. You only take them under supervision and for the least amount of time possible.

For chronic pain, you must find other solutions and, yes, there are many other solutions. The person who wants to stay sober will find those solutions. The inner addict will claim that only the pills work.

Read the article about Utahans below--it is what is happening around the country.
'It's beyond pain': how Mormons are left vulnerable in Utah's opiate crisis | US news | The Guardian: "“Maline never thought she had a problem,” said her sister, Mindy Vincent, a recovering addict. “She was a firm believer that because the doctor prescribed the pills it was OK. She didn’t see any shame in it. She didn’t think she was an addict. It wasn’t like taking drugs. But she was on the painkillers for 15 years until they wouldn’t give her any more."

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7 Tips for Mothers of Adult Addicts

 Good parents are not perfect parents and there are things you can do to help your adult child addict. I read these 7 suggestions and I love them! If you are dealing with addiction and an adult child--please read this article. It is worth your time! Takes 4 minutes.

7 Tips for Mothers of Adult Addicts | Psychology Today: "Depending on how far from your personal measure of “good” your child falls, your personal level of anger and shame may vary. Some parents resort to hot anger and recriminations of “I didn’t raise you to be like this!” Other parents fall into a trap of accepting the blame that some misbehaving adult children want to place on them. Some parents may be bled dry by meeting the financial assistance pleas/demands from children who are habitually showing up in the judicial system and need money for court/legal fees. (And they may hope, often in vain, that the money goes to the stated purpose rather than buying their child more trouble). Some parents carry great shame about their children’s mistakes – believing that if they had just done a better job somewhere along the line, this problem/incidence/pattern/behavior would not have appeared in their child’s life."

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Risky Business: Drug Abuse Among Baby Boomers On Rise

Just remember in the world of drugs, it is not "Do as I say..."  It will always be "Do as I do..." for kids with parents who use and abuse and grandparents who use and abuse.

Risky Business: Drug Abuse Among Baby Boomers On Rise | Falmouth Columns | capenews.net: "Kids who are exposed to parents or grandparents who drink excessively, use recreational street drugs, or misuse or abuse prescription medication (especially opioid painkillers) are more likely to develop a substance use problem. Also, older adults tend to use more prescription medication, especially painkillers. Having these medications around in a cabinet, on a kitchen counter, in a pillbox or a purse provides easy access to a family member or friend who might want to either sell or use the drugs. Research studies have documented that more than 60 percent of teens who start to abuse prescription opioids get the drugs from a family member."

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'Drug Recovery Pods' help Manatee County offenders battle addiction

This is amazing--I would love to see this program with their recovery pods in action--like a sci fi film!

At least this legal system is working on solutions! 50 people began the program in their recovery pods--article worth reading for anyone in the field.

'Drug Recovery Pods' help Manatee County offenders battle addiction - Sarasota News | Mysuncoast.com and ABC 7: Local News: ""They have parenting skills, life skills, employability skills training, full church services," says Lt. Yvonne Ingersoll, the program coordinator. "You name it, they get it, and it's 100 percent participation." It's volunteer-only, and inmates must admit to having a problem. "You can't commit a person to sobriety, it has to come from within," says Ingersoll, who's brother battled addiction through his life."

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Jennifer’s legacy - Mother’s grief fuels push for substance abuse reform law

This is an interesting take on helping other with drug problems. I have usually believed that we need to let people kill themselves if they want--Alcoholics and drug addicts--you don't think clearly when on the drugs but if you take them willingly, do others have the right to stop you if you aren't hurting them?  This mother says YES. She believes if you can make decisions for a Alzheimer's victim then you can for someone messed up on mind-affecting chemicals too.

Well, she has a point. One I need to think about.

Jennifer’s legacy - Mother’s grief fuels push for substance abuse reform lawLargo Leader - Tampa Bay Newspapers: "Blair said the Jennifer Act could’ve given her the power she needed to save her daughter’s life. “I have power of attorney over my mother, who is 81 years old. I have legal rights to make decisions as her advocate because she is elderly and can’t make medical decisions for herself sometimes and I can take over her affairs,” Blair said. “I have the right to do that, but I didn’t have the right to do that with Jennifer because she was over 18. I needed the right to be able to do that for Jennifer just like I can do it now for my mom. It’s the same thing. You are stepping in for somebody until they are stable or get clarity and then you can give them that power back to make medical decisions.” "

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TV’s quiet 12-step revolution: Prestige comedies are changing the way we see addiction, sobriety and AA - Salon.com

Sarah Hepola is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir, "Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget." writes this "Article" (Its more like a novel!) about TV and our view of 12 Step programs. One of my biggest bitches with using AA members in TV and movie plots is the writer's need to get everyone drunk, especially their characters who have been sober for many years--so and so's sponsor who had 15 to 30 years. I hate it. In the name of "plot tension" they always get the sober guys drunk--its like Hollywood can't figure out that the 12 Step program actually WORKS for many people--in Hollywood members of AA always fail in recovery--ostensibly to give the plot more spice.

Sarah writes about drama and comedy and AA--gives some great examples and complains that Hollywood makes sobriety look easy, "Stories about addicts follow a familiar arc: the exhilaration of alcohol or drugs, followed by the train wreck, and then — tah-dah! — a shiny new life in recovery." Maybe, but they also make it look basically unattainable and everyone at some time has to get drunk again! Since there are many of us DON'T get drunk again--I find it insulting to show audiences only one side of AA--get in trouble, get in treatment, change your life, relapse at some point!

I'm grateful that recovery is part of life portrayed on TV today. Now lets get real and cut the easy way out of writing "tension" into a plot--try reality--and start with those of us that don't slip for the shock value. Read Sarah's piece here:

TV’s quiet 12-step revolution: Prestige comedies are changing the way we see addiction, sobriety and AA - Salon.com: "People often complain that recovery stories are all the same, because they follow the same trajectory, which is sort of like saying that human lives are all the same, because we all wind up dead. The drama is entirely in how we get there. What I think people are saying is that we keep telling recovery stories in the same way, and it’s boring. Fair enough. I think we need more stories, better stories, different stories. "

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Alcoholic now has 100 convictions after verbal abuse in Crawley church

Alcoholism. Isn't it wonderful? /sarc

Alcoholic now has 100 convictions after verbal abuse in Crawley church and at Gatwick | Crawley News: "At the court appearance on Wednesday last week (March 9) Haynes pleaded guilty to one count of assaulting a police officer, one count of racially aggravated assault, three counts of being abusive towards members of the public and police officers, and one count of failing to appear in court. Prosecutor Melanie Wotton explained that Haynes was battling an alcohol problem. She said: "On November 25, 2015 Mr Haynes was on a bus coming back from Brighton where he was intoxicated."

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Parents are hiring this man to search their kids’ rooms with a drug-sniffing dog - The Washington Post

I have always been for drug testing our kids, especially when there is reason to suspect that the child is in trouble. But drug Sniffing dogs? that might be a better way to find drugs in your home, and I am conflicted. How can you protect your young person if you don't know exactly what is going on? And don't give me this "If you raised them right you could trust them" crop because it simply is not true. It is a young person's job to break away from their parents even when it involves drugs..a right of passage is hiding things from Mom and Dad and testing the waters... any kid who doesn't won't break free to begin their own life.

Still, this is a good article and maybe worth considering--its less invasive than some drug test kits...

Read the article below.

Parents are hiring this man to search their kids’ rooms with a drug-sniffing dog - The Washington Post: "In nine out of 10 homes, Davis told The Washington Post, his dogs have located drugs. The most common drug the drug-sniffing dogs find is heroin, Davis said, though his dogs have also turned up cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines and barbiturates, sometimes elaborately hidden in homes and cars."

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Almost 90 Percent of Teens Who Abuse ADHD Drugs Use Someone Else’s Medication

Almost 90 Percent of Teens Who Abuse ADHD Drugs Use Someone Else’s Medication - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: "Using someone else’s medication was the most frequently reported form of misuse, at 88 percent, the researchers wrote in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. The study found 39 percent took more medication than prescribed."

Interesting--but not nearly comprehensive enough. I have news for these folks, most drugs that are abused include the user using other's meds! How so? When pills are prescribed and the person begins to abuse and take more than necessary--they run out quickly but can't get the doctor to write another script. It used to be easy to get multiple doctors to write scripts but new laws have cut down widely on that practice, so what happens? The drug abuser then goes to the streets, "borrows" meds from their friends and steals them from everyone else.

In the 12 step programs, there are some members who get caught up in the practice of using other's meds--telling themselves they are sober and just "borrowing" the pills for some pain. It is a huge problem right now because they don't actually pick up alcoholic but relapse on pills telling themselves they are sober.

The remedy? Honesty--tell the one nodding off in the meeting the truth and discuss taking meds in meetings.

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Parents should 'try everything' to stop kids' drug abuse, youth worker says

Finally, an honest worker who admits that kids drug abuse is not the result of bad parenting!!!! About time.

Parents should 'try everything' to stop kids' drug abuse, youth worker says - Manitoba - CBC News: "Drug use isn't a result of bad parenting, but parents should step up if they suspect their kids might be using, she said. Any change in the kid's typical behaviour should prompt parents to investigate, she said."

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Using Great Photos to create messages

Scott Wilson of Scott Wilson Photography has contributed to my campaign of presenting messages using great photos---Here is a way to think about God or is it God thinking about you?

Correlation of drug, child abuse is a wake-up call |

We most often talk about Parents who are trying to care for their drug addicted kids--but the reverse is also true--often kids are trying to care for their addicted parents! and they suffer the abuse and neglect of parents who are not in their right minds and emotions. The article is interesting--the situations are really sad. If you know of these situations, what would you do?

Correlation of drug, child abuse is a wake-up call | Editorials | www.journalgazette.net: "New data from Kids Count in Indiana show 13.4 percent of children were found to be living with a parent who abused drugs or alcohol. It also places the state fifth highest in the nation for first-time victims of child abuse or neglect reported in the past year. Pratt, who handles children-in-need-of-services cases, commonly known as CHINS cases, sees firsthand the effects of drugs on children whose parents are abusing substances."

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Nothing matters until we know it does

I always have to say to parents of teens and preteens--you don't know you need my workbook until its too late! Parents don't think drug crisis prevention is important until their kid is in real trouble. Even when they are beginning to get into trouble parents don't believe it's happening to their family and blame their child's friends. Parents don't wnat to believe their kid is in real danger until its in their face! So this is a great cartoon--meant for business people, just change a few words and it can refer to parents of teens.

until we know it does - Gapingvoid Blog | Gapingvoid Blog: "This is a riff on a constant theme of mine, “Nothing happens until somebody feels something.”
In other words, it’s amazing that for something to actually matter to us, a switch inside our head needs to be suddenly activated, instantaneously. And until that moment arrives, you’re wasting your time trying to change behavior.
But it’s too easy to forget this, when you’re sitting in a meeting, looking all sharp and businesslike, trying to sound clever and important."

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Brave Mom Tells Truth about her Daughter's Heroin Death

Here's is a brave Mom--she actually put what killed her daughter, heroin addiction, into the obituary! If more people did that, parents might get a better idea of how prevalent the problem is! Rathter than  saying an accident, families might tell the truth--an accident while drunk! Rather than say suicide, say a suicide while stoned on PCP, rather than say simply "overdose" try saying "they took too many pills stolen from their parents". It would be very very hard to tell the truth about drug and alcohol deaths but could and would help so many others understand the scope of alcohol and drug abuse in this country.

Portraits Of Those Killed By Heroin Bring Healing And Awareness : NPR: "When Jackie Zanfagna died last year at 25 years old, her parents did something bold. In the first sentence of her obituary they acknowledge what killed her: an accidental overdose of heroin."

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Retraining Parents To Bond With Kids To Break Addiction Cycle

In our work book for parents Sober Coaching Your Teen, this is exactly what we do, retrain parents regarding their kids and drug prevention/abuse. The traditional methods "love them enough and all is well" approach has turned out to be a dismal failure. But training parents in effective ways to deal with kids make them part of the solution, not problem. No more enabling!!!! Read about what  Nemours Children’s Hospital and UCF have started.

Retraining Parents To Bond With Kids To Break Addiction Cycle - 90.7 WMFE: "“Trading out that sense of pleasure they get from the drug for the sense of pleasure that a lot of parents get from their children,” Boris said. “Not 24-7 because parenting is hard, but there are very important moments for parents.”"

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...