Local agency offers free drug testing kits for teens

I'm thinking I like giving these test kis out for free--It's not so pleasent to ask your child if they are doing drugs."mind if I test you?"  that might be hard. Unless they are acting really really weird and you need to know why. I think this is an individual choice, however. Waht is going to work in your family? Are you doing this becasue you need an answer or are you testing becasue you want to humiliate them? You need to be clear on why you are doing it and what the answer will set in motion.

Local agency offers free drug testing kits for teens - WPSD Local 6: Your news, weather, and sports authority: "A $20 test offers results for ten types of illegal drugs, but Andrea Hoskins with The Graves County Agency for Substance Abuse Policy and Prevention said it also can offer parents peace of mind. "Parents can have that open communication with their child about drug use that they may not have had before, especially if they suspect it."

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Maryvale to mandate drug forums for parents -

I like the idea of parents learning about drug abuse--BUT mandatory? By whose authority? The school systems work for us. We don't work for them. Just another Big Government power grab. "We know what is best for you, so you have to do what we say."

Yeah right--like when they told us speed was not addictive, that eating 3 meals a week with your kid prevents addiciton, like saying marajuana will drive you instantly mad...like when they used to tell parents they should teach their children how to drink at home--all expert advice at one time or another. Wake up parents.

Maryvale to mandate drug forums for parents - City & Region - The Buffalo News: "During its meeting Monday night, the Board of Education approved mandatory parent meetings to begin next academic year.

Parents of students in sixth to 12th grades will be required to attend the forums or their children will be unable to participate in extracurricular activities, such as sporting events, dances and clubs. In consideration of families with more than one child, attendance would cover parents for four years."

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12 hospitalized after taking drug Molly on Wesleyan campus

It's always something...I get so tired of the revolving drug scene--just as soon as we get a handle on one drug, the kids find the next "new" thing to abuse--a few die, a few are hospitalized, they "learn their lesson" and find the next one...Sigh

12 hospitalized after taking drug Molly on Wesleyan campus: "Ten Wesleyan University students and two campus visitors were admitted to the hospital Sunday after taking a drug called Molly, according to a statement from Wesleyan president Michael Roth.

Molly is a potent substance in the same family as ecstasy or MDMA."

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The Parental Blame Game

Part of the reason I became so interested in helping parents with their addicted children, especially those in recovery is because I am the daughter of an alcoholic and the monther of one! Sandwitched inbetween with my own addiciton problem I can say I have looked at "clouds from both sides now, from up and down and still somehow, life's illusions I recall, I really don't know clouds (addicition recovery) at all." 

I know my own recovery and what worked for me. I know what helped me move forward, my mother in recovery herself, and my daughter in and out of recovery and so dear to me. It runs in our family, our very DNA, but the good thing is - so does recovery! If you want to know my story, it was published in "in-Recovery Magazine" fall of 2014. I hope you enjoy.

My Story as it appeared in in-Recovery Magazine, Fall 2014

My seventeen-year-old daughter’s face looked ashen. Why wasn’t she happy to see me after two weeks in a treatment center? Her crestfallen demeanor concerned me.

“Honey,” I asked, “what’s wrong? I know addiction treatment isn’t fun.”

“No, it’s not that. I like it here . . .” she hesitated. “It’s just that you wrote the book they gave us here in treatment.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“Well, the psychiatrist called me in, and said it was a joke on you – that you wrote the book, and now your daughter is an alcoholic.” Read more...

Talk to children about drug abuse -

It is always wise to remind parents to talk to their kids about drugs. It is a revolving educational wheel. Each year new parent's have have that reach the teen years and so each year we have to tell them the same thing we told parents last year. When we talk to our kids, the main thing is to make it real. If you used drugs, talk about it. Be open and honest and share your concerns. Let them know what is acceptable and what is not. And most of all--do not threaten. If you have a boundary they cannot cross, let them know and enforce it. Don't make threats you will not carry out. Kids are smarter than you think. And if you are talking about now, they probably have already experimented. So let them know what you think and ask them what they think. You probably won't stop them from experimenting, but at least they know they can talk to you.

Talk to children about drug abuse - Bowling Green Daily News: Features: "Continue talking through adolescence,” she said. “It is important they become aware of your concerns and know how you feel. Plus, it’s always healthy and beneficial to communicate calmly and clearly. Initiate an open dialog, and be sure to listen to what they have to say – despite the fact that the subject matter may make you uncomfortable.”"

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Drugs, near death and a miraculous second chance for a 28 years old

Addicted to pankillers at age 20--he found reocvery by 28--an inspiring story.

Drugs, near death and a miraculous second chance for Midland Beach man -- in his own words | SILive.com: "The doctors saw that I was in pain, and prescribed painkillers.  It started off with Vicodin, and then Percocet.  I kept periodically upping my dose until the amount of medicine I needed increased."

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Sober Sensations | Alcoholics Anonymous International Convention 2015

Going to be LOTS of sober entertainment at Sober City in Atlanta this July. The AA international is there and I have a booth to sell books! You can buy books, then listen to music, catch a meeting, and then watch a movie--peek at what they have and plan to come!

Sober Sensations | Alcoholics Anonymous International Convention 2015: "Sober City at The Atlanta Tabernacle : 152 Luckie St NW, Atlanta, GA 30303"

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Commentary: The Power of Support Groups -for Parents!

Many of thsoe in recovery from various addictions udnerstand how strong the support group is for support and direction. But it is less well understood how important the groups are for family members affected by the disease. Tehy think, "They've got the problem, not me." And they don't seek support for themselves. But being able to offer the best best help for your kids often depends on you learning what works and what doesn't. That is why my brother and I put together the workbook for parents, "Sober Coaching Your Teen." You can get it from Amazon or at our site--at our site, there are a lot of free downloads and interesting articles. Join together has an interesting article on the power of support groups for parents.

Commentary: The Power of Support Groups - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: "“I have attended parent support group meetings since 2010. When my husband and I were in the darkest place of our lives, we didn’t even realize how much we needed to be with people who had a shared experience. Nearly five years later, we are still active in our support group, and the men and women we have met in those rooms are some of our closest friends today. I do not know where we would be without that group."

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The Real Definition of Relapse and Why this one doesn't work

This is what one organization wants to say about relaspe--they "redefine" the word or lets say "spin" the word to make sure that kids and parents don't feel bad about treatment not working. Here is the upshot of this article:

The Real Definition of Relapse and Why it Matters: "a lapse in his abstinence, but did he relapse? Many families find it useful to distinguish between a “slip” or a “lapse” as an instance of substance use by someone who has a goal of abstinence and a “relapse” as a return to the pre-treatment pattern of substance use. When someone has fully relapsed, they slide back towards the heavy and frequent us"
So all concerned have a new way to look at this--have the kids using out of treatment "fully relasped?" Or have they only partly relasped? The article says if its partly, then lets call it a "slip" and if they fully relaspe, then we'll call it a relaspe. I pondered this approach for ahwile--chewed on the distinction. Other then the fact they don't want people to think treatment doesn't work (my assessment) they explain "If they believe Jacob’s one night of drinking is a relapse, it is easy to feel that all hope is lost, that all gains from treatment have been thrown away." I simply don't understand why they don't say--"Hey, you relasped! But its only one night, Get back on that horse and get back in touch with your support group and begin again." Instead, they want to say, "well, its not really a failure, its just a setback--don't consider it relaspe--just a little slip. Its OK to use now and again as long as you don't go back into full blown addiction."

The author explains that reframing this word allows the parents to escape the "overwhelming terror of the moment." My assessment is that it allows them to not face the facts--treatment for teens in an all teen setting is likely to make addiction worse, not better. One of the reasons is the sugar coating we see from Teen Treatment centers like this--addiction is not really addiciton, relaspse is not really realaspe--parents and kids will drop into despair if you don't sugarcoat every aspect of the disease...

I think this looks at parents as helpless and hapless and I also think it takes the responsiblity of recovery away from the only one who can recover--the teen themselves.

So, do I think reframing "relaspe" is a good idea? I think kids are smarter than that--if they are going to use again, they will--regardless of what you tell the parents to call it--relaspe, slip, failed sobriety, using, setbacks, --taking a mind affecting chemical means one thing, you have activated your disease again--and calling it by a different name doesn't make your disease less dangerous or treatment more effective..

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For parents, a child’s struggle with heroin addiction can be all-consuming

This arents group is founded in a circle of chairs in a church. That is how AA began and for many parents of addicts--that is how they can begin to find help and relief amid the fear.

For parents, a child’s struggle with heroin addiction can be all-consuming – Cronkite News: "On this evening, a woman shares how she dreads the possibility that someone will call at 9 a.m. to say her son is dead. A father with a son coming out of rehab for heroin addiction tells the group he’s decided not to let him come back to work at the family business."

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Our Job in Life is to Move Forward

This is today's illusrated wisdom from the Pocket Sponsor.

Children of drug addicts learn they aren’t alone at a heartbreaking weekend camp

I can't think of a better idea. I wanted to do a book for kids titled "How do you Deal with your Alcoholic Dog?" My thinking was this would give kids a way to explore a parent's addiction in a non threatening way---but my daughter, the rather famous children's book writer, told me that parents would never accept the book and since its the parents who buy the books...I had to agree. So what do we do for these kids?

This looks perfect!!! A camp where they can talk about it around the campfire--amid the other activities..I love this idea! Read about it here.

Children of drug addicts learn they aren’t alone at a heartbreaking weekend camp - The Washington Post: "These are kids who live every day with the demons that haunt adults. Some are already in foster care, or D.C.’s shelter for homeless families or bouncing between Auntie’s and Grandma’s houses. A few also are dealing with drug use that has bled from the adults in the family to their older siblings."

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Teaching Friends And Family How To Reverse A Drug Overdose

What a scary story--this young worker was able to save the life of a 21 year old stranger who had overdosed. I'm quite sure unless you are a medical professional this would not be legal in most states--BUT in the old days, we used to carry a bottle on 12 step calls to help prevent the ones we were working with going into the DTs. It's brave to learn and take such actions. A good story.

Teaching Friends And Family How To Reverse A Drug Overdose : Shots - Health News : NPR: "Graham-Farmer knew what to do that day because, as of 2012, the whole staff at the residential drug treatment program where she works (Samaritan Village in Richmond Hill, Queens) has been trained to use Narcan, and to keep a rescue kit containing two doses of the drug close at hand. The program's clients — the people who are trying to stay sober — are trained too. So, if they ever find themselves with someone else who has overdosed, they can help."

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Guide to Life: How to keep your kids off drugs HA HA HA

HA HA HA....still using this old meme--Hey, I have news for you people giving advice to parents, Teens do all kinds of "suspicious" behavior. It's the nature of adolescence. I was a screaming alcoholic in high school and made straight As. I was the darling of all the teachers. The only really really useful advice here is that the best indicator of a problem is a "change in friends." and that means friends who use drugs. The article is here:

Parents might see a drop in grades or unexplained absences from school, said Paul Coleman, president of Maryhaven, a treatment facility on the East Side with 52 inpatient beds and 75 outpatient slots for adolescents.

An outgoing teen who is abusing drugs might become withdrawn. A son once passionate about football might quit the team, or a daughter might start showing interest in dark music.

“The best way to test children for drugs is with their own eyes,” Coleman said. “And the major thing parents need to watch — and watch like a hawk — is a change in friends.”

Ibogaine drug treatment of Australian man ends in death on Koh Phangan Island

This is a tragic story of an addict trying desperately to find an eaiser softer way to stay clean and sober--besides actually staying clean and sober. There is not magic. You have to STOP USING in order to stop being addicted. It ended in his death andit is sad. Hopefully whoever you are working with will understand there is not softer way--you have to do what has to be done. There are not magic pills.

Ibogaine drug treatment of Australian man ends in death on Koh Phangan Island - Koh Phangan Island News: "Australian Brodie Smith was convinced a radical treatment using an African shrub would cure his craving for illegal drugs and turn his life around, even though it is banned in some countries."
Thanks to Leonard Buschel from Addiction Recovery eBulletin for sending this info.

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...