New Study: Spanked Kids = Messed-Up Grownups

My brother is a big proponent of this, having written the book, "Stop Spanking Now." How do they figure that? 3 to 7% of mental disorders are "caused" by spanking? I don't even know what that means. they say we create addiction in our kids by spanking. I was spanked but I KNOW that did not cause addiction in me. It's a brain chemistry disorder--maybe it made me want to do drugs--but didn't cause the disease any more than spanking causes diabetes--but maybe it makes them want to eat comfort food. Geeze I hate this kind of study.

take alook for yourself
New Study: Spanked Kids = Messed-Up Grownups: "Canadian researchers using data from nearly 35,000 American adults found that from 2 percent to 7 percent of mental disorders were attributable to physical punishment. To many experts, including Cyndi Scott, executive director of the Coalition Against Child Abuse and Neglect, the findings reinforce what they already know about spanking.
"It's not going to be beneficial to the child, or to the parent, for them to use any kind of physical force. So, we would not recommend people hitting children.""

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More Recovery Slogans

This is from Dual Recovery Anonymous--

More Recovery Slogans: "Recovery slogans are deeply rooted in the real life experience of millions of recovering people. Although often overused and sometimes not appreciated, they do not lose their truth."
My fav in their list, "Is your program powered by Will Power or Higher Power?" And i don't even think this made it into the second edition of Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book. What is your favorite?

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Support and Resources for Parents Dealing with Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse | Spanish

 "Habla Con Tus Hijos

Support and Resources for Parents Dealing with Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse | The Partnership:
Our Spanish-language web resource and educational campaign helps parents have frequent conversations with their kids about the risks of drug and alcohol use."

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Police officials tell parents to be parents |

I love police officers! My dad was LAPD--I became a deputy in Bonner county Idaho for a few years when my girl was little. Officers often tellit like it is. Here is one, Dan Serrano, with advice I like to give parents.
Police officials tell parents to be parents | Observer and Eccentric Newspapers and Hometown Weeklies | "Whether the concern is substance abuse, curfew violations or online safety, Westland police Sgt. Dan Serrano summed up his advice to parents: “I tell my kids, ‘I'm not your friend. I'll treat you like I'm your father. I'll look at your phone when I want to.'
“You have to be the parent,” said Serrano. 
Joined by Lt. Michael Harhold and Officer Matt Bobby, Serrano spoke Monday at the Police-Teen Matters program hosted by Westland Youth Assistance at the Dorsey Center. The overall message focused on the importance of parental involvement and keeping track of their children's activities."

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In the late sixties when I was getting clean and sober--no such luck at "Rockers in Recovery" concerts for us! You young'ns in recovery today have it sooo easy! (yeah and now do you want to hear how I had to walk 3 miles in the snow to school?) Seriously, if you are anywhere near Florida--you got to get to this concert!

ROCKERS IN RECOVERY MUSIC FESTIVAL | RIR Concerts: "It’s a Recovery Palooza , minus the drugs and alcohol, but add meetings and fellowship! RIR Music Fest is a campout for ALL people in recovery or supporters of recovery.
Early Bird Ticket Sales"

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Teens' prescription drug use on the rise » Anderson Independent Mail

We did this in the 60s...the bowl full of pills..very dangerous. Here's a good article about  “pharm” parties on the rise...
Guest column: Teens' prescription drug use on the rise » Anderson Independent Mail: "To celebrate his 16th birthday, Jason is having a “pharm” party. Rather than a present, friends bring prescription drugs from the medicine cabinets at their homes. The drugs are poured into a bowl. The bowl, “trail mix,” is passed and partygoers grab a handful of pills — a mixture of anything. The results could be lethal.
Katie overheard her parents talking about how her brother’s ADHD medication made "

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Parent of an Addict: What’s it Really Like?

What's it like to parent an addict? This is a great section of
Parent of an Addict: What’s it Really Like? | INTERVENE: A Community for Parents: "So what’s it really like raising a child with a drug problem?
It starts with letting go of the idea of having a “normal” life. Truthfully, it’s a far cry from the storybook life we all fantasized about once upon a time. Being a parent of an addict is about being more than you ever dreamed you could be. And most days it feels like you’re at war.
You quickly learn survival skills.  Not just physical survival. Yes, those are necessary at times, but also emotional survival skills."
 Dealing with a drug crisis is never easy and few sites and books tell parents the real truth. that's why its important to get material you trust. Be sure to check out parental book for dealing with a drug crisis and all the free material on our site Sober Coaching Your Teen.

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...