Last minute gift for those in recovery

Last minute gift for your sponsor or sponsee? Or for you son or daughter in recovery?  Here are two suggestions, one that cost a few bucks and the other for free--you can email either gift or both.

1. FREE. Vision recovery meditations: (a Hopi tradition) Go here, pick the format you want, type in the code "Sobriety"  (capital S, no quotes) and a box will open for your name and email. Then it will take you to the free download page.

 2. $4.99 A digital copy of the Pocket Sponsor. Unfortunately it is only on the Kindle format, but the kindle reader for your computer is free.

Merry Christmas everyone, am thinking of all my friends this Christmas Eve.

Drinking/drugging NBC dateline. Must read

NBC dateline did a special on drinking and driving last night. It was very good and asked us, would you stop a drunk from driving. It was really good.

Then a friend from bayakinfoline sent me this reminder--but it has a twist ending. This is an intimate message, for all those still drinking whether or not alcoholically--Must read:

Shelly, merry Christmas to you and the family.
I want to share an experience with you--although not alcoholic, I thought you might be able to share with others who would benefit about drinking and driving. As you well know, some of us have been known to have brushes with the authorities on our way home from an occasional social session over the years. sometimes they lay in wait by the bars to "catch" us. well the other night I was out with some friends and had a couple beers and some red wine with dinner. 
Knowing full well I may have been slightly if not well, over the limit, I did something I have never done before. I took a cab home. Sure enough, I passed a check point by the police--but because I was in a cab, they waved it through. I was so happy not to have been caught drunk driving. I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise because I have never driven a cab before and am not sure where I got it or what to do with it in my garage. So be care this season and Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Holiday spices often abused for cheap highs, says toxicologist

Holiday spices often abused for cheap highs, says toxicologist: "Holiday Spices Often Abused for Cheap Highs, Says Toxicologist
Dec. 17, 2012 — Watch your kitchen cupboards this season as thrillseekers look to common holiday baking ingredients for a rise -- cinnamon, nutmeg and even marshmallows are the primary ingredient in trendy risky behavior. "The envelope is always being pushed to create something new that will get attention, potentially create a drug-like effect and can pass under the radar of law enforcers," "

As a kid, I tried banana peels and nutmeg. It was a hippie thing. However, I did see a picture of the lungs of a nutmeg smoker--YUCK--really scared me and I stopped. The "high" wasn't very good anyway and the nutmeg stank.  Never the less, watch your kids with this--especially 5th through jr high--they are looking for adventure and who knows what tehy hear on the streets--just a friendly reminder to remain vigilant.

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Alcoholism and Raising Children -

Here's a great discussion over at Sober recovery--raising the little rascals around the program. I raised my daughter going to meetings because as she was growing up, I was growing up in the program.  She's often mentioned that she didn't have the best upbringing--and I can admit that--I was crazy my first 20 years of recovery--<grin,> but true. In any case, she is very lucky that I was in recovery, as lacking as that was for her childhood. If I had raised her drunk and stoned, she wouldn't be raised at all.

For those of you raising kids in your own recovery, use this as a resource.  And enjoy the holidays--don't let the disease of alcoholism steal one more moment of your family happiness.

Alcoholism and Raising Children - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information: "Some of the coolest kids I've ever met were raised in and around the Program.
I met an old Hopi woman one time who was talking to me about children. It was in something she said that changed me as a parent. During WWII, she fostered a girl who still lived with them in the late eighties when I was there. She said the parents were drunks and didn't take care of their children, so some elder women from the clan came in and took some of them into their own homes. She said she went to the Elder women and chose a particular girl she'd dreamed about. She told them, "I will take this girl and raise her for The People."
Something about the way she said that hit me like a wet dishrag."

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Tips for living safely on the edge during holidays | for young people

Often, alcoholics and addicts use the holidays for relapse. But hey, us addicts use any excuse to drink and drug! They used to say in the groups, "I drank because it was a holiday, or a rainy day, or a work day or Saturday  Sunday, Monday....

Yeah, we drank and used because we are addicts! that's the long and the short of it. So read this article from Dove Tree Ranch...A few good tips for the that young person in recovery.

Tips from The Ranch at Dove Tree for living safely on the edge during holidays | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: "The holidays don’t have to be predictable. In a sincere attempt to lighten up, Jack Britton suggests ways to spice up December:
Often the holidays offer face time with relatives who grew up in a different era. Dive below the surface and actually get to know Grandma. Who was her first crush? (Fidel Castro!) What did she get away with as a kid? (Armed robbery!)"

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Pocket Sponsor: "Holiday Special. Get your Pocket Sponsor in a pocket!

Every year we do something really special for Christmas. I am excited about this years special because it is sooo cute. It's our classic Pocket Sponsor sent as a gift and it comes in a jean pocket! As a gift it also comes with miniature ornament and gift tag saying it is from YOU! Look into it if you have people in recovery on your list--
Pocket Sponsor: "Holiday Special. Get your Pocket Sponsor in a pocket!
Order the Pocket Sponsor this holiday season and get it sent in a jean pocket ! The cost is the same, the pocket is FREE!  Hurry and order your Sponsors in a Pocket today. Offer expires Dec 25th.  (We can send as a gift and include a small ornament with a greeting saying the Pocket Sponsor is from you. All FREE)"
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A Gift for you from Day By Day!

A Gift for you from Day By Day!

For one week only, we are giving away the digital format of our newest book, "Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery". Read about it below--. With over 280 illustrations, it is a great way to begin the holidays.

Delivery Format:in PDF, epub for Nook, iPad, and most ereaders and also Kindle format. Go to the following link and use the code "sobriety" and download for FREE--DOWNLOAD NOW. Offer expires December 4.     and visit us at

Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery

Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery: "Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery

by Peoples of the Earth Peoples of the Earth Peoples of the Earth
Illustrated by Christine Sundly

Description: This is a a deeply spiritual addiction recovery meditation book based on the Hopi tradition of 'sitting in pictures.' It contains 280 visual mediations as well as a 12 Step Principle and the wisdom of an Elder or tribal adage from people's around the world. Based on the Maya Tzolkin spiritual round, the days do not reflect the western Gregorian calendar. Instead the season are used for reference: Summer Solstice, Harvest Time, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox. Letting the Spirit guide them, readers may use the meditations randomly or begin at the first mediation and go 280 days, then begin again. We trust that every reader will bring their own guidance when creating the healing visualization in each page of days. This meditation book is illustrated by Christine Sundly of the Menominee Nation (Menominee means 'wild rice' in Chippawa). For more information please go to the website

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...