Test Welfare Applicants for Drugs Advance

I believe that when your reward behavior, you get more of it. This is nothing new--studys show this to be true from the time of Pavlov's dogs. My brother once asked me what we could possibly do to control the illegals coming into this country. I said, simple--stop rewarding them. You don't need to pass more boarder laws or go after people or get mean, you simply have to stop all their services and things would look a whole lot different. It's like parents who continue to "fix" everything their child messes up--they take away all consequences for their bad behavior and kids have no incentive to stop their bad behavior.

Same with druggies on welfare--if you take care of them and feed them and give them medical attention, they have no reason to stop taking drugs. It's such a simple concept. In any case, Texas is addressing this issue--tehy are looking at all sides and hopefully they will come up with a compromise law that stops rewarding the druggie parents but still takes care of the children dependent on them....

Measures to Test Welfare Applicants for Drugs Advance in Texas, Kansas | The Partnership at Drugfree.org: "Bills that would require drug testing for welfare applicants advanced in Texas and Kansas this week.
In Texas a bill that would have resulted in children permanently losing benefits based on a third failed drug test by a parent was amended. The bill’s author accepted changes to ensure children would continue to receive benefits while their parents are in rehabilitation programs, the Austin American-Statesman reports."

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Idaho politician recounts loss of son to addiction - SFGate

Please read this story of Dennis Mansfield and how he lost his son to addiction. It's important for a variety of reasons, mainly because "good parenting" is not the solution to addiction. Good parenting is the solution to a lot of things, but not addiction  Saying "good parenting" will cure or prevent addiction is like saying good parenting will prevent an allergy--you can keep them away from the substance for as long as you can lock them up--in the real world, you can not prevent allergies... you can teach and train and hope they hear you...Anyway, worth reading this man's story:

Idaho politician recounts loss of son to addiction - SFGate: "NAMPA, Idaho (AP) — Dennis Mansfield had all answers. The God-fearing man knew how to parent. He was in control of everything. He was the voice of Idaho's religious right. He was arrogant. He was selective in choosing his friends . he was political.

Today, Dennis Mansfield is a broken man, "loved by unloved people," and he's poured out his heart in a very personal book entitled "Beautiful Nate."

"I've learned I don't have all the answers. . My past bravado in posing and pretending may have looked good, but it was not good."

The Dennis Mansfield known as a lobbyist and a politician is a different man today.

He met the Idaho Press-Tribune for hot chocolate at the Flying M in Nampa recently to talk about his book.

Mansfield has relived his son's March 11, 2009, death again and again . as he wrote it, as he read it in a recording studio for the audio version and yet again as he talks about the book that was released March 4.

But it's not just a story about his 27-year-old son, Nathan Dennis Mansfield. It's about someone who is reading it and his or her own vulnerabilities."

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Texas Tech University :: College of Human Sciences :: CSAR :: Collegiate Recovery Conference

Texas Tech University :: College of Human Sciences :: CSAR :: Collegiate Recovery Conference: "Last day to register – March 22, 2013, 5:00 p.m."

Guest post by Daniel Krasner

I just wanted to touch base and remind you of the upcoming conference at Texas Tech University, The National Collegiate Recovery Conference, which is being held from April 3rd through 5th. I have provided a link for the conference below.

The Ranch at Dove Tree is in Collaboration with Texas Tech and The Center for The Study of Addiction and Recovery.  If you are coming to the conference please contact me so I can arrange for you to go on a tour of The Ranch at Dove Tree.



Daniel Krasner
Clinical Solutions Provider
cell: 601.906.9024 l intake: 800.218.6727 
 site: www.ranchatdovetree.com
 site: www.ranch2300.com

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Partnership at Drugfree.org Collaborates With Former NBA Basketball Player, Chris Mullin

I like it when Members out in the public give their time and energy to help with addiction recovery  Kudos to Chris Mullen:

New York, NY, March, 7, 2013 – The Partnership at Drugfree.org, a national nonprofit helping parents solve the problem of teen drug and alcohol abuse, is partnering with former professional basketball player, father and ESPN sports analyst, Chris Mullin. He will be the featured guest on the next “Meet The Parents Hour,” a popular, live Facebook chat and Q&A session taking place onThursday, March 14 at 12 p.m. EST/9 a.m. PS

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Government Takeover of 12 Step Programs--coming soon

I have long been a member and supporter of Faces & Voices of Recovery--their main message when they began was to get the faces of people in recovery out into the open so the general public could KNOW we do recover. This was in contrast to the "anonymous" programs that keep members in the shadows by their tradition of staying anonymous at the level of press radio and film. I am in recovery and although I publicly state I am in recovery  I never mention the specific 12 step programs programs I attend in order to honor this tradition. This way I could advocate for recovery and remain anonymous with specific programs and follow traditions.

I believe the traditions have worked very well for keeping Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous  Cocaine AnonymousChemically Dependent Anonymous, and many others from taking positions on issues--have "spokespeople" that end up drunk and in the media--and have the government or other organizations from telling us how to "help" people in recovery by giving us money. The 12 step programs don't take money form the government or outsiders so we don't take orders from them.

Now it looks like Faces and Voices of Recovery: is going a bit too far in saying that peer support (mainly 12 step groups)--need to become a part of the new health care legislation in order to get funded for helping people get to our groups. Am I reading this wrong? Join Together reports:

Recovery groups should advocate for inclusion of peer recovery support services as part of essential health benefits that will be covered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to Faces & Voices of Recovery. Peer recovery support services are delivered by individuals who have “lived experience” with addiction and recovery.
Faces & Voices of Recovery, an advocacy group, has produced an issue brief that explains how recovery advocates can support inclusion of these non-clinical services that help people achieve long-term recovery from addiction.
I download the brief from Faces & Voices--and it seems that is what they are saying:

As states are deciding what their EHB will look like, they will be looking at a range of services, including peer recovery support services. If they are included in the EHB, people will have access to these critical services and they will be covered by insurance or Medicaid. Also, organizations that provide PRSS will be reimbursed for providing those services.

What is going on here???? Is Faces and Voices of Recovery advocating for a government takeover of 12 step programs? That's what I read here. Please someone, prove me wrong. If the providers (ie 12 step groups) should take money for services--we would put our very success in at risk. Or worse--are they saying we should start "fake" anonymous peer groups that take money from government running of the success of the real groups--siphoning prospective members from government health care--members who would normally find the real groups?

It's not clear and I'm not happy about bureaucratizing the 12 step programs in any way. Can someone help me here?
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Commentary: Why the Term “Enabling” Does More Harm Than Good

Finally!!!!! Some on in the government is beginning to see the light. According to Kimberly Kirby, PhD
Director of the Parent’s Translational Research Center; Senior Scientist, enabling and using the term may do more harm than good. Well, yes, we at Sober coaching have been saying that for a long time. You do not want to make it easier for your kid to use, but you don't want to abandon them either. So where do you turn? To "experts" who tell you how sick you are?

Hardly. Let's get constructive and become our child's sober coach. There are many ways you can help, in fact ways probably only you, the parent, can...so nose around the sober coaching site for more information. Remember, FREE downloads and a peek at the workbook are available. 

Here is an excerpt of what Dr. Kirby had to say:

Commentary: Why the Term “Enabling” Does More Harm Than Good | The Partnership at Drugfree.org: "The term “enabling” is commonplace in the field of addiction. It is used within support group settings, in treatment programs and throughout the professional literature about addiction and the family. I consider it one of the most frequently misunderstood terms in our field. In fact, as my research about family caregivers of people with substance use disorders has evolved, I have come to loathe the term “enabling.” Here is why"

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Texas Tech University-Collegiate Recovery Conference

Texas Tech University :: College of Human Sciences :: CSAR :: Collegiate Recovery Conference: "April 3-5, 2013

This is a great conference--I was Keynote speaker at one of the Texas Tech addiction conferences years ago and I love these people.

We are excited to announce our 4th National  Collegiate Recovery Conference at Texas Tech University.  Mark your calendars for April 3-5 for three days filled with speakers, topics and workshops addressing recovery in higher education.
Registration begins at 1:00 pm on Wednesday April 3rd at the McKenzie Merket Alumni Center on the campus of TTU.  The entirety of the conference this year is at the TTU Alumni Center with of course, our Celebration of Recovery held at the Center for the Study of Addiction and Recovery

Registration is now open!

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...