Parents are hiring this man to search their kids’ rooms with a drug-sniffing dog - The Washington Post

I have always been for drug testing our kids, especially when there is reason to suspect that the child is in trouble. But drug Sniffing dogs? that might be a better way to find drugs in your home, and I am conflicted. How can you protect your young person if you don't know exactly what is going on? And don't give me this "If you raised them right you could trust them" crop because it simply is not true. It is a young person's job to break away from their parents even when it involves drugs..a right of passage is hiding things from Mom and Dad and testing the waters... any kid who doesn't won't break free to begin their own life.

Still, this is a good article and maybe worth considering--its less invasive than some drug test kits...

Read the article below.

Parents are hiring this man to search their kids’ rooms with a drug-sniffing dog - The Washington Post: "In nine out of 10 homes, Davis told The Washington Post, his dogs have located drugs. The most common drug the drug-sniffing dogs find is heroin, Davis said, though his dogs have also turned up cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines and barbiturates, sometimes elaborately hidden in homes and cars."

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Almost 90 Percent of Teens Who Abuse ADHD Drugs Use Someone Else’s Medication

Almost 90 Percent of Teens Who Abuse ADHD Drugs Use Someone Else’s Medication - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: "Using someone else’s medication was the most frequently reported form of misuse, at 88 percent, the researchers wrote in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. The study found 39 percent took more medication than prescribed."

Interesting--but not nearly comprehensive enough. I have news for these folks, most drugs that are abused include the user using other's meds! How so? When pills are prescribed and the person begins to abuse and take more than necessary--they run out quickly but can't get the doctor to write another script. It used to be easy to get multiple doctors to write scripts but new laws have cut down widely on that practice, so what happens? The drug abuser then goes to the streets, "borrows" meds from their friends and steals them from everyone else.

In the 12 step programs, there are some members who get caught up in the practice of using other's meds--telling themselves they are sober and just "borrowing" the pills for some pain. It is a huge problem right now because they don't actually pick up alcoholic but relapse on pills telling themselves they are sober.

The remedy? Honesty--tell the one nodding off in the meeting the truth and discuss taking meds in meetings.

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Parents should 'try everything' to stop kids' drug abuse, youth worker says

Finally, an honest worker who admits that kids drug abuse is not the result of bad parenting!!!! About time.

Parents should 'try everything' to stop kids' drug abuse, youth worker says - Manitoba - CBC News: "Drug use isn't a result of bad parenting, but parents should step up if they suspect their kids might be using, she said. Any change in the kid's typical behaviour should prompt parents to investigate, she said."

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Using Great Photos to create messages

Scott Wilson of Scott Wilson Photography has contributed to my campaign of presenting messages using great photos---Here is a way to think about God or is it God thinking about you?

Correlation of drug, child abuse is a wake-up call |

We most often talk about Parents who are trying to care for their drug addicted kids--but the reverse is also true--often kids are trying to care for their addicted parents! and they suffer the abuse and neglect of parents who are not in their right minds and emotions. The article is interesting--the situations are really sad. If you know of these situations, what would you do?

Correlation of drug, child abuse is a wake-up call | Editorials | "New data from Kids Count in Indiana show 13.4 percent of children were found to be living with a parent who abused drugs or alcohol. It also places the state fifth highest in the nation for first-time victims of child abuse or neglect reported in the past year. Pratt, who handles children-in-need-of-services cases, commonly known as CHINS cases, sees firsthand the effects of drugs on children whose parents are abusing substances."

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Nothing matters until we know it does

I always have to say to parents of teens and preteens--you don't know you need my workbook until its too late! Parents don't think drug crisis prevention is important until their kid is in real trouble. Even when they are beginning to get into trouble parents don't believe it's happening to their family and blame their child's friends. Parents don't wnat to believe their kid is in real danger until its in their face! So this is a great cartoon--meant for business people, just change a few words and it can refer to parents of teens.

until we know it does - Gapingvoid Blog | Gapingvoid Blog: "This is a riff on a constant theme of mine, “Nothing happens until somebody feels something.”
In other words, it’s amazing that for something to actually matter to us, a switch inside our head needs to be suddenly activated, instantaneously. And until that moment arrives, you’re wasting your time trying to change behavior.
But it’s too easy to forget this, when you’re sitting in a meeting, looking all sharp and businesslike, trying to sound clever and important."

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Brave Mom Tells Truth about her Daughter's Heroin Death

Here's is a brave Mom--she actually put what killed her daughter, heroin addiction, into the obituary! If more people did that, parents might get a better idea of how prevalent the problem is! Rathter than  saying an accident, families might tell the truth--an accident while drunk! Rather than say suicide, say a suicide while stoned on PCP, rather than say simply "overdose" try saying "they took too many pills stolen from their parents". It would be very very hard to tell the truth about drug and alcohol deaths but could and would help so many others understand the scope of alcohol and drug abuse in this country.

Portraits Of Those Killed By Heroin Bring Healing And Awareness : NPR: "When Jackie Zanfagna died last year at 25 years old, her parents did something bold. In the first sentence of her obituary they acknowledge what killed her: an accidental overdose of heroin."

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...