Cough sryup making a comeback

Unfortunately drugs are cyclic--a generation uses them, then they tire of it and parents take a stance against it and then the next drug revolves around--it goes from speed, to heroin, to party drugs, to prescription drugs, to glue, and then cycles around again. This is something we need to stay on top of, but not be shocked by. kids will always find ways to do drugs--and hopefully we will find out and take action before it kills them...

I-Team Troubleshooter: North Carolina parents shocked to learn children are abusing over-the-counter drug | "In addition to Skittles or Triple-C, teenagers are calling the drug Tussin, Robotripping, and Dex. But essentially, it is simply over-the-counter cough syrup, often mixed with soda or other drugs such as marijuana.

Abusers are after the active ingredient in regular over-the-counter cough syrup, dextromethorphan, or DXM.

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Officials, parents, former N.Y. Giant address drug epidemic at Pinelands Regional forum

I know we need to share with each other about what drugs do to kinds--I ran across this story this morning--Christopher not waking up... I am so grateful that did not happen to me as a mother. Trisha---my heart goes out to you, and I want to thank you for sharing with the other parents.

Officials, parents, former N.Y. Giant address drug epidemic at Pinelands Regional forum | "LITTLE EGG HARBOR – Trisha Horner told a packed auditorium inside Pinelands Regional High School on Wednesday night about how much she loved her son Christopher and what a great child he was."

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Make Sure Halloween Candy Doesn’t Contain Marijuana

Geeze, as if we don't ahve enough to worry about--now we have to look for Maryjane in th candy!!!!

Denver Police to Parents: Make Sure Halloween Candy Doesn’t Contain Marijuana - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: "Marijuana edible products can mimic candy such as Sour Patch Kids, Jolly Ranchers and gummy bears, the video cautions parents. Patrick Johnson, the owner of Urban Dispensary, says, “There’s really no way to tell the difference. It’s best just to toss that stuff into the trash.”"

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Your Face as a Long-term Alcoholic or in the Press, your face on Meth

I like this online tool. Good for ""   Get your son or daughter (or self) and upload a pic. Then see what taking drugs does to you!

Thanks to New York Daily news for photo.

Click here to begin the process.
Your Face as a Long-term Alcoholic: "Alcohol maintains a near ubiquitous presence in the daily lives of many of us—it is easily purchased at restaurants and convenience stores, present in many celebratory and spiritual ceremonies and, of course, heavily featured in movies and television. Perhaps as a result, alcoholism and the damaging effects of alcohol abuse are frequently downplayed or overlooked altogether."
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I would love to see Doctors as Spiritual Leaders

This was illustrated by artisit Christine Sundly.
The Three fold disease mentioned is addiciton/alcoholism
Edgar Cayce says in the future, our sicentists will be very spiritual and help lead the world governments.

Day By Day: Hazelden, Denver Young People's Group

Look what I found on Amazon! Some of the original Day By Days (hardback) are for sale--and not too expensive--this is the 40th year since Day By Day was published and has sold over 2 and a half million! check it out. (back then the book was only $2.99--but it is still under $10!)

Day By Day (ISBN: 0894860062 - Daily AA Meditations Pocket-Book): Hazelden, Denver Young People's Group: Books:

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Parents Teaching Teens “Responsible Drinking” is a Myth:

I remember when we were growing up, there were often chaperoned parties where parents allowed kids to drink "under their supervision."  Fathers used to "teach" their sons to "drink like a man." They thought they were doing the right thing. Parents said things like, "Well if they are going to do it anyway, they should do it in front of me so I can help guide them."

Yet we have learned a lot since that time. Although you may be able to teach a person how to have manners when they drink, or you can teach them the difference between abuse and normal use--and that will work somewhat after they get past their bulletproof adolescence. But we should always remember that we can't teach them out of a disease. If they have it, they have it. Here is what Partnership for Drug-Free Kids has to say on the topic:

Parents Teaching Teens “Responsible Drinking” is a Myth: Study - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: "Parents who provide their teens with alcohol and a place to consume it may think they are teaching their children “responsible drinking.” A new review of studies concludes this view is misguided. Researchers found parental provision of alcohol is associated with increased teen alcohol use."

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...