Free Download: 12 Step Virtual Meetings Guide

Free Download Guide: 12 Step Virtual Meetings Guide (when community social distancing is required)
Sometimes it is not very  responsible to attend face to face 12 Step meetings because of a multitude of  health reasons. During a pandemic and during stable times, health concerns are more numerous than we think and can put everyone at risk. If you have an infections disease, don't go to face to face meetings, please. But that doesn't mean not to attend meetings. You can go to virtual meetings of all kinds and get just as much support as always--and you can share you experience, strength, and hope too.

We have so many immune compromised people in our rooms, please think about using virtual meetings when you are sick or at risk. Consider leading these meetings, sponsoring these meetings, and supporting these meetings during your Intergroup and area conferences. Here is the info you need:

Covid-19 and 12 Step Meetings

Important update. 12 Step Meetings and Covid-19. What you need to know.

Eye-rolling not appreciate in 12 Step Meetings for those who want to take flu precautions

We want members to feel safe getting the help they need to stay clean & sober. Watch the video and download the group guidelines flier linked in the description over at YouTube. You may be in the "roll your eyes" crowd who think any concern over Covid-19 is alarmist and unnecessary--OK stop reading and I pray that I am dead wrong in my caution and am never in a position to say, "I told you so.".

According to Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunizations and respiratory diseases, “At some point, we are likely to see community spread in the U.S. .." and now it has taken a foothold in our country. 

"The corona-virus produces mild cold symptoms in about 80% of patients, Dr. Sylvie Briand, head of WHO’s Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness division, told reporters on Monday. About 15% of the people who contract the virus have ended up with pneumonia, with 3% to 5% of all patients needing intensive care, she said." This comes from an article from cnbc

Right now, it is probably not widespread in the US--yet the "foothold" is here. Rumors abound and people often go to extremes--from the "I'm in God's hands and I accept God's will." to the conspiracy alarmists who are convinced all governments, the CDC and WHO are lying to us and we're all about to die except for a few rich guys in bunkers somewhere in Iceland.

12 Step Groups have long ignored flu season protocol. That's fine for the healthy--but so many of our members have compromised immune systems, that maybe we should not be so causal when infectious diseases are spreading in our communities. 

I attend a 12 Step group here in Kingman, AZ and we do take some precautions. There is antibacterial gel on each table and we use disposable cups. But that is about it. I would suggest that members NOT roll their eyes at those who choose to wear masks, gloves, use the gel and step back when the hand-holding prayer comes. I think we should start Face-timing the meetings for those home bound, and I think we should be smart.

"This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat," she said. "We are now taking and will continue to take unprecedented, aggressive action to reduce the impact of this virus ... on the communities in the US." Messonnier said. Rational thought and precautions for our members, our family, in 12 Step groups is the smart and loving thing to consider. No eye-rolling please.  

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