InDepth: Abuse of elders: The most vulnerable victims | INFORUM | Fargo, ND

any kind of abuse is sickening--at Respect-me rules, we believe that you can only be abused to the degree that you allows others to treat you badly--they can't abuse you if you put a stop to it--however, that does not go for those dependent onus--such as children and the elderly--they can't so easily stop it...if you know of it, please do something to put a stop to it--start by reading this:

InDepth: Abuse of elders: The most vulnerable victims | INFORUM | Fargo, ND: "Yet, the elderly often are unwilling or unable to admit such abuse.

They’re embarrassed or fear losing their caregiver. They’re from a generation that doesn’t recognize that domestic abuse could happen to them. They think it happens only to young women, says Shelly Carlson, coordinator of Clay County’s Elder Abuse Project."

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The Drug That Never Lets Go

Speaking of "bullet proof"--here are some more dangerous drugs out on the streets today--bath salts--(that's just a nic name, you don't have to hide the Epson.) This is a bizarre new drug--while you are reading the one abut kidney failure, also read this article to your least if they know there is danger--some of them may be less likely to glorify taking unknown substances...  so read both the articles to your teens at the next family meeting or get together.

The Drug That Never Lets Go: "The suicide was the culmination of five days of strange behavior that began shortly after Sanders snorted a powdery substance he bought from a friend. Instead of the brief high he was seeking, he experienced days of insomnia, along with waves of terror and frightening delusions, including an incident where he “saw” 25 police cars outside his parents' kitchen window and then slit his own throat with a butcher knife. That incident landed Sanders in the hospital with stitches. For a few hours, the hallucinations subsided."

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Teens in Northwest Develop Kidney Failure From Synthetic Marijuana | The Partnership at

You know, kids think they are bullet proof and it will never happen to them. Now here are 5 young men (teens) who have kidney failure from doing drugs--they not even be addicted--maybe they only did it "this once".  In any case, it is sad--if you have teens, please have them read this at your next family meeting:
Teens in Northwest Develop Kidney Failure From Synthetic Marijuana | The Partnership at "Six young men—five of them teenagers—developed kidney failure after using synthetic marijuana in recent months, health officials in Oregon and Washington report.
The cases have occurred since May. All of the young men were hospitalized, "

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A parenting secret I am no longer willing to keep at Home/Work

Sometimes as a parent we don't want to admit that we have a drug problem with our child. Does that mean we were not good parents? Did our neglect cause their drug addiction? Is it because we used ourselves? I happen to think that some very sick kids come from some very healthy families--also the other way around. But if we truly believe that alcoholism and addiction is a disease--then it doesn't have a whole lot to do with the family of origin, unless you're talking genetics. Read about this mom below and see how she finally stopped "keeping the secret." for heavens sake just admit there is an elephant in the living room and get the help the family needs.

A parenting secret I am no longer willing to keep at Home/Work: "my eldest child was brought to the intensive care unit three days ago, that the nurses and doctors might treat him differently, maybe even give him substandard care once they knew why he was there. That’s because he was admitted not after a car accident in which he was blameless. Not due to some mysterious, unknown fever. No, he was rushed to the hospital, nearly lifeless, after a massive drug overdose and a brutal physical assault related to his involvement with drugs. But I was wrong to worry about this;"

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Teens in Early Recovery: Ten Common Triggers for Relapse | CRC Health Group

Triggers are a thing, you as a parent can look out for. What will trigger your child to "slip" and start using drugs? You can read about it here--some common points professionals teach parents. Then read below..
Teens in Early Recovery: Ten Common Triggers for Relapse | CRC Health Group: "Studies suggest that between 50 percent and 90 percent of addicts relapse at least once in the first four years of sobriety, and most relapse many times. Triggers for relapse can be as mundane as hearing a certain song on the radio or as significant as hanging out with friends from the old drug crowd.
Although relapse is considered normal and predictable, knowing the common triggers for relapse and having an action plan can help teens and their families guard against any slip-ups. Here are a few common relapse triggers to watch out for:"
OK, you read about the triggers. So what do you do? Do you become responsible to help prevent it? do you call their sponsor? Their counselor? Do you make them sign a contract? Or put them back in treatment? You son or daughter is showing signs of relapsing and you panic.

I want you to think about the word "responsible." who is responsible should your child drink and drug again? If you see it coming, is it you? What does "response" "able" mean?

It means that the only one who can do anything about this "slip" is the one able to respond.

That is not you. Think about it.

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comic freedom for recovery

A freind f mine asked me to look at/review this draft documentary. i think it is a unique approach to an old problem--One comic has 26 years clean...  I like this!  ALERT--ITS A PRISON--LOTS OF ROUGH LANGUAGE!
comic freedom mod.mp4 update - YouTube: "We had this comedy writing class with 7 guys in their addiction counseling group. Rich Vos performed to 100 inmates and staff with two writing group members opened the show. The healing power of humor in aiding recovery from addictions and other mental health issues is the program's driving force. Dave Miller and Perry Gaidurgis met a few weeks before these events and with the help of a few people this is our work in progress to date. More dates of comedy writing workshops and a show at the Eastern Correctional Institute are schedule in September."

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Teens still trade sex for drugs, booze

Teens still trade sex for drugs, booze: "Teenagers are trading sex for drugs and alcohol at a low but steady rate, yet the vast majority of them attend school and live at home with their parents, a new University of B.C. study suggests."

Its lead author says research indicates the problem has been occurring "in the shadows," but that a positive message has also emerged from the findings.

"Family makes a big difference," said co-author and UBC Prof. Elizabeth Saewyc. "When parents talk with kids about their values and goals and when they model healthy romantic relationships, this does influence their own kids' sexual decision-making."

Read more:

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...