FREE parenting book on ,Amazon--2 days only

I know the author , Annie fox, and I highly recommend her work with kids. she is good with all kinds of skills the kids need to grow up and she knows what to tell parents. HURRY and take advantage of this amazing offer!

Teaching Kids to Be Good People: Progressive Parenting for the 21st Century: Annie Fox,Douglas Fehlen: Kindle Store: "ANNIE FOX is an internationally respected character educator and the author of five books for teens about growing up and getting along. Her books include “The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating,” “Too Stressed to Think?” (with Ruth Kirschner), and the popular Middle School Confidential™ book and app series. Since 1997, when she launched groundbreaking teen website The InSite, Annie has been answering teen and parenting questions from around the world. Because of her unique insight into adult-t(w)een relationships, she is a sought-after speaker who takes equal delight connecting with students, educators, and parents. Annie Fox may be reached through her website,

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