Back to school, back to drugs? Five things parents need to know |

I never thought of it this way--back to school and back to drugs--we know the influences and this is a good article from Fox--but remember, no blaming the other kids--water seeks its own level and kids find their own devils. Be aware but don't blame others for the choices your kid makes...

Back to school, back to drugs? Five things parents need to know | Fox News: "As kids across the country are getting back into their routines with the start of the new school year, not everyone’s focus will be on class schedules and new teachers.  One of the most common – and potentially fatal – threats to our youth today is the pervasive peer pressure to use illicit drugs."

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Colleges Failing at Curbing Binge Drinking

Colleges Failing at Curbing Binge Drinking: "If you are sending children off to college this year you may not find much comfort in the fact that most colleges are failing miserably in trying to curtail dangerous binge drinking on campus and in their communities. In fact, many colleges and universities do not even know what works and what doesn't in preventing binge drinking."

When kids go away to college, it often is the start of some mean drinking and drugging...they sow their oats. but if the kids were like me...I didn't make it to college in the first place my drinking had already taken over. However, many young adults do start their drinking careers in college and parents have to be aware.

The main thing for parents whose kids do get to college--the biggest obstacle to knowing when your kid has a drinking or drug problem is  what you chose to believe. that;s right you. Many times counselors neighbors, even kids friends try to tell parents and they don't want to believe it--so if someone is trying to tell you your son or daughter may be drinking too much, LISTEN. Don't make excuses or think they are "jealous" or whatever we tell ourselves--listen to what others say even if you don't want to believe it, even if it shocks you. If a person in your son or daughters life has gotten up the courage to tell you your kid might have a drinking or drug problem you know it is difficult for them---listen.

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Mike Tyson says he’s ‘on the verge of dying,’ opens up about drug problems | SI Wire

Mike Tyson says he’s ‘on the verge of dying,’ opens up about drug problems | SI Wire: "Mike Tyson says he’s ‘on the verge of dying,’ opens up about drug problems"

This is soooo sad. but very typical of addiction. I hope he has sober coaching support!
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Children Are Still Easily Getting their Hands on Prescription Drugs : Drugs/Therapy : Counsel & Heal

When I was a teen in the sixties (yikes, yes, I was a hippie!) my crowd made it a game to see who could pilfer  the most pills from their parent's medicine cabinet and not get caught--just like taking a whiskey bottle and pouring out the booze and adding water-- I don't remember one of us ever getting caught. Of course I was high a lot of the time and maybe a kid or two did get caught, I may not have known. The point is that kids have been getting drugs for a long time and they don't have to be illegal street drugs. We took diet pills (my favorite), Librium, and meds for ADHD.  Now we have the pain meds that are so very dangerous--and most of the time, you as a parent don't know what is missing from the medicine cabinet.

Read this article below, stay informed and please don't think, NOT MT KID. Because yes, it could be yours.

Children Are Still Easily Getting their Hands on Prescription Drugs : Drugs/Therapy : Counsel & Heal: "The researchers discovered that three out of four teenagers reported that they were prescribed medications within the past six months. They also stated that they took their medications without being supervised. The fact that 75 percent of children are taking their prescription drugs without any parental supervision is alarming."

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ADHD Medication: Does Taking Meds for Attention Deficit Lead to Substance Abuse?

this is a valid question and one that should be taken seriously if you are considering putting you kids on drugs for adhd--I have been told that if they really need it, it won't hurt them. But I tend to think that is a myth and here's why. Addiction is a brain chemistry disorder. You can be born with the disorder or you can acquire it by abusing drugs. And there is not just one kind of addiction--But if you are the kind of addict I am, taking any mind affecting chemical is dangerous. Read the article below and consider your options carefully, especially if addiction or alcoholism run in your fmaily.
ADHD Medication: Does Taking Meds for Attention Deficit Lead to Substance Abuse?: "Among the many medication questions that parents ask — and worry about — is "Will ADHD meds increase my child’s risk for substance abuse?" Up until last month, the answer was absolutely not. In fact, taking ADHD medication, studies showed, actually lowered the risk of substance abuse by almost 50 percent."

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iPhone app helps parents talk to their kids about drugs

Meeting kids where they live in order to a talk about drugs is a great idea. Below is an article about using an iPhone app for talking to your kids about drugs. What better thing could you use? I hope they have text messages that you send to your kids letting them know you are there in their life even if you are not there. In fact, I think I'll text my girl right now!

iPhone app helps parents talk to their kids about drugs - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel: "The Talk Sooner iPhone app gives families information about drug trends and tips for talking to teens about drug abuse. The informational tool stems from a partnership between the Lakeshore Coordinating and Ottawa, Allegan, Barry, Berrien, Kent and Muskegon counties"

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You Docs: Kids take cues from parents on drug use | Wichita Eagle

 Talk to your kids about drugs and drug use. What you say matters. We know from research that that kids in treatment have a better recovery rate if their parents are in a 12 step program. Whether you know it or not, kids do notice. You can can't prevent their disease, but you can influence how fast they find recovery--set your home rules, let your kids know what you think..and be consistent. Read about the latest research here:
You Docs: Kids take cues from parents on drug use | Wichita Eagle: The list of movies aimed at kids that show (supposedly) lovable stars who use drugs is long and well-known: There’s “Cheech and Chong,” “Harold & Kumar” and the entire “Hangover” series (including the tiger – don’t ask). Helping teens stay away from recreational drugs is a big job and one that, unfortunately, some parents don’t feel they’re up to or don’t feel they have the clout to make a difference. That’s info from a new survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration after talking with more than 67,000 Americans over the age of 12.

The upshot: 22 percent of parents don’t think what they say about drug use will change how their children act. But research shows that nothing could be further from the truth. Among kids who feel their parents strongly disapprove of marijuana use, only 5 percent are willing to risk it; but more than 30 percent of kids whose parents don’t make their anti-drug message clear are willing to experiment with pot. Mom and Dad, you are the health guides in all areas — from drugs to doughnuts to sleep.

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  From Samsa: Title: Overdose Awareness Day Date and Time: August 31, 2022, 6:30 p.m. (EST) Location: American University Sponsor: Dep...